Chapter Six

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I was in the forest for some odd reason. I was running towards nothing in particular. It was getting darker by the minute. I had to hurry.

I felt sick, like somebody had stabbed me several times and left me to die. A sharp cold pain inflicted itself upon me. The bones in my body fell apart, leaving me in agony. What was worse was that they were constantly shifting. I started screaming ...

I woke up with a start. Astrid was shaking my shoulder. "Harry? Harry! It's OK, it was just a dream." I gasped, clutching my hair in my hands, bringing my knees to my chest.

"I - It w-was horrible ... " I mumbled, tugging at my hair. That dream ... it must have meant something, but what?

Astrid gently placed her hands over mine, taking them off my head. I looked up at her, grateful that she was here with me. If she wasn't, I'd probably have pulled half my hair out by now.

I didn't want to be bald ...

I looked out my window to see the sun rising. I groaned, rubbing my face. I stood up, picking up my bag.

Astrid stared at me. "Where are you going?"

"Uh, to Flynn's? Where else would I be going?" My brow furrowed. She was still staring at me and it was kinda creeping me out. I was disappointed when she broke our eye contact.

"You could always stay here ... " Astrid mumbled, fumbling with the hem of her shirt.

Okay, now she wants me to stay? I stand there for a few seconds in silence, gazing at Astrid in shock. I'm confused on why she wants me to stay. What if Scott comes round and sees me here?

Oh, he'd be so angry. I guess that wouldn't be a bad thing ... what am I thinking?! Of course it would be bad, he'd beat me up!

Me, the scrawny seventeen year old hanging out with Scott's girlfriend. Well, my death wish just came through.

"Fine," I decided, throwing my bag to the floor. Astrid looked up and grinned. She jumped off the bed, running to her door. She leant against the door frame.

"Well," she said, "you coming?" I sighed, hastily following her out the room.

Astrid led me through the hall, down the stairs into the expanded living room. I was familiar of where everything was because, you know, we used to hang out ... a lot.

I nodded. I went back upstairs to get dressed into some spare clothes I had in my bag. Once I came back down, Astrid was lying back on the sofa, her arm draped across her eyes.

I could hear someone humming loudly in the kitchen. I went over and sat down, beside Astrid's feet.

I assumed the person in the kitchen was Ryan and Astrid was obviously annoyed that she couldn't be mean to him. But, to be honest, I don't really care if he tells me who she likes or not. I mean, how was it going to help her by getting Ryan to tell me?

Astrid lifted her feet and set them on my lap, her eyes still covered. I jumped slightly, hoping that Astrid didn't notice.

She did ... I could tell when she snickered quietly.

I huffed, smiling. Astrid suddenly sat up and crawled over to me. "You know," she whispered in my ear, "I don't actually like someone. I just told that to piss Ryan off."

I brought my hand to my mouth to try and muffle the laughs I was managing to break out. I stopped, staring sideways at her. "What about Scott?"

Astrid's eyebrows raised. "Scott? Oh, I broke up with him after the scene in the cafeteria. It was pretty funny actually."

Astrid broke up with Scott? I wasn't expecting that. Wait, does this ... does this mean I might actually get a chance with her? I hope so.

"So who are the Twins gonna hang out with?" I asked.

"Me probably, they didn't like me and Scott dating." Astrid replied.

"But what about you?" I said. "You could always hang out with me and Flynn ... "

Astrid looked surprised. "Really? After all I did to you two?"

I nodded. "Astrid, I've already forgiven you. It wasn't your fault. But it may take Flynn some time."

"This can't be true," Astrid said with a slight shake of her head. "I treated you like a piece of shit and you've already forgiven me?"

"Yes." I nodded as a smile played onto Astrid's lips. She came close and wrapped her arms around my neck. I blushed deeply.

"Thank you Harry, for everything."

Getting ahold of myself, I returned the hug as my body went numb. Astrid sat back, on her heels.

My hand flew to my stomach, where it felt like somebody had stabbed me multiple times. I winced as I stood up. "Astrid?" I said quickly. I needed to get out of here. "I'm gonna head home to grab some clothes. I'll be about an hour." My voice strained. I winced as I stumbled over to the door, opened it and ran out.

I headed towards the forest, the pain getting stronger by the minute. A sharp cold pain inflicted itself upon my body. I quickly dived into the cover of the trees.

No, what was happening to me? My bones felt like they were moving and shifting positions. They seemed to fall apart, leaving me in agony.

These were the exact same pains I felt in my dream. It wasn't coming true, was it?

Advanced detail came into my sight. I could hear for miles. I screamed in pure terror. My face had become not mine, but something else entirely. It was a wolf.

As my finger nails grew into deadly weapons, hair sprouted all over my body. I let out a screech which turned to a howl. My mind had become blank; it had become not mine, but a mind filled with the only desire to kill.
I was not the man I had once been. With the last of my strength, I ran of into the dawn of the day.

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