2nd guesses

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Have you ever been in the situation were you have to choose one or the other, red pill or blue pill.

Down Main Street or down Ave Street, this person or that person. When you have been based off wrong and rights.But none of that matters, because your past is your past an when someone makes a mistake, they actually have to learn sooner or later and even if they have to repeat that one thing over an over again, sooner enough they will learn.

But every time someone judges me and its based of the past. My past dosen't make me who i am, that's what makes me who I'm not. It makes me a better person by the day and hour the hours of the day thing get better, even if it seems like things get worse they aren't they get better.

someone once told me to beleivein' myself and beleiven things can get better and no matter how much it hurts to keep pushing thru life and live it by the second bc you'll never get it back once its gone and nothing will give it back.

PoemsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora