there's a end to forever

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There's always that one thing that makes you cave, completely brake down. Mine was my lost of something that could never love me. Even though he said he did, he still had no issues walking away if someone he said he loves you they wouldn't be able to stand to walk away. Just because they say forever don't mean anything, because when your left alone looking at his back turning and walking out the door then where are left. Alone. I should have saw this coming forever ago everyone who says they love me leave, family, friends, animals.....all of it when there is a feeling there, their is no being happy to exact. your happy for those 3 days it all last nothing last forever and the good only last for a shorter of time because they come so rare, so make sure you dont take any of the good for a waist of granted time. when its given you take it considering you'll see so many more bad days then you will anything, outta the good, bad, ehh, great, outstanding; you'll only have the ones that sound okay to have in your life 1/4 of your life so make sure when something happens think of the bad and the good will because great and then bad is surrounding you think of the good because a bad day is a day closer to an amazing day you'll never be able to top. then you'll shall be happy with goes on in your life

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