The Hard Part

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Making it through life, day by day. Trying to be strong each hour of the day. But their are times you give up, you even tell yourself your giving up an you don't care anymore. I understand completely. I really do. Because that's when you just wanna go off, listen to music and cry or do what ever you do to cope. And when it comes to copping, their are so many ways to such as...

-Taking a blade to your wrist

-Crying until you feel okay again

-Music, write, et cetra.

All of this isn't easy though. I have been through so much, wanting to end it all at times. I some how continue to push on though. Even when I say I'm going to end everything... all the pain. All of this.

But one day when I make it through the difficult days, I can tell others my adventure through life. Beleiving me or not, but if you want to make it through you'll take my advice.

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