Start from the beginning

Nijika raised an eyebrow at the new information, "As in their initials? That'll mean there'll be...." The female mentally counted for a second, "eleven creators....."

As Nijika eyed the male, she quickly realized that he didn't seem like he was going to answer anymore questions, "Hm, well that's a start. Let's go to an cafe where there's computers. We can grab a bite there as well."


"Well, that'll explain why Ging left the information about Greed Island to Gon...." Nijika muttered as she bit into her hamburger while reading a rare article she was able to find after paying a good amount of jenny.

Damian sat beside her, nibbling on his own burger, his crimson eyes watching his yellow partner.

The yellow mouse seemed to have found how amazing ketchup was after receiving a nibble of fries and ketchup from Nijika. Now he just was licking ketchup from the small packet squealing in joy.

"So the G for Greed Island game from G.... That leaves ten letters left for the other creators.... I wonder who those people are, and how can I possibly meet them...."

A painful cough escaped Damian's mouth as he choked on a piece of French fries he was eating.

Eletic and Nijika stared at the male in shock, immediately moving so they can help him.

"Pika Pika?!"

"D-Damian?! Keep coughing!!!"

The brunette rubbed Damian's back as he panted, looking down at this lap.

"What was that about? You just stared choking!" Nijika questioned, grabbing the bottle of juice they bought with their lunch.

Damian thankfully took it, unscrewing the cap, taking slow sips, "Just... Went down the wrong pipe...."

"Is that so....?" Nijika confusedly muttered as she sat back down. Though her emerald eyes moved to a plastic package on the floor that was abandoned.

"Eletic.... Your pack of ketchup is now dead..."

"Piiiika~?!" The yellow mouse gasped, falling to the floor in a crying mess of devastation.

Nijika sweat dropped, 'obsession found.....'

The young female swallowed the rest of her food before typing away on the computer. Though after a good hour, with all of the food devoured, she was left in a deep hole of frustration.

"Why isn't there any information about that stupid game?!? I've literally only learned that the games will be auctioned off and the creator is Ging!!!!" The young Kijime shrieked as she gripped at her short hair.

Damian who was quietly taking a nap with Eletic sleeping on his face blinked. Gently he pried off the snoring mouse from his face and looked at Nijika who was slumped in front of the computer.

"Shall we go.....?"

Nijika tiredly lifted her head up and stared at the time written on the top right of the screen, "It's 7 P.M. I guess it's around the time we should get collecting...."

Damian nodded in understanding and placed the sleeping mouse in his jacket before standing up.

"Do you.... Have a criminal book....?"

Nijika nodded as she pulled it out of her backpack, "I do, it's just half the names here are already crossed out because I've got them already with Killua."

Damian stared at the female for a moment.

The teen grew a bit self conscious and scratched her cheek as his crimson eyes bore into her.