Chapter 6: The Grand Magic Games

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    Today is the Opening day of the GMGs. I'm wondering what the first challenge will be. More than a hundren guilds enroll in the GMGs, but only eight are allowed to participate. So they have a special challenge to weed out all of the weak guilds, leaving us with the eight strongest.

    We are waiting in our hotel right now, for a staircase to appear and lead us to the first task. Just as the clock strikes, the stairs appear. two sets, for both teams of fairy tail. Starspray turns into a pegasus, and me and Heavania get on her back. Mira uses her winged satan soul and carried Juvia, and we flew quickly along the stairs. In a few minutes, we reached the top.

At the top was a choice of three paths.  A sign said:
-> riddle (hard+ fast)
<- monster (easy+slow)
^ maze (medium+ slowest)
"Looks like a choice of ways.." I speculated. "The riddle is the fastest.. Lets try it. It must be hard if its the hardest choice." We flew along the path for a few minutes and came to a wall. In front of the wall was a sign, on which was the riddle. it read:

                                                                   First tell me a person who lives in disguise,

                                                                Who dwells in secrets, and tells naught but lies.

                                                              Next tell me whats always the last thing to mend,

                                                                       The middle of middle, and end of end.

                                                                             Last find me a sound often heard, 

                                                                      In the search for a hard-to-find word,

                                                               Now string them together, and answer me this:

                                                                Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

"So all the clues add up to a creature you wouldn't want to kiss? Okay... Lets start at the top."

"Someone who wears a disguise, and dwells in secret.. Maybe its us, Starspray!" I said, jokingly.

"Haha. Lets be serious here. someone who wears a disguise, and is secretive and lies... umm.. a spy?"

"Could be. lets go back to that later. Last thing to mend.. Middle of middle, and end of end.." Said Mira, thoughtfully.

"D!" I cried out at once.

"What?" everybody said, confusedly.

"D is the middle of the word middle, and end of the words mend and end!"

"Ohhhh We're lucky to have you on our team, Starshine." Said Juvia.

"A sound heard in the search for a hard to find word.... Err.... Er.... What would that be... ER!" cried Heavania.

"Spy-d-er. Spider!" I shouted suddenly. 

when I said spider  The wall dissapeared, leaving a clear path for a ways, before we encountered another wall, with another sign bearing the words:

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,                                                                                                                                                  Ends life, kills laughter. What is it?

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