Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Neko Lucy.

One time Lucy took a solo mission. It was an easy mission to bust a doctor maniac who was not so dangerous . But well Lucy managed to trap him by using Loke. For he has weakness for cats. Lucy wished she just brought Happy with her.

But then again she didn't know that the doctor use some potion on her!

And Lucy went home that night from her mission with out knowing that.

She washed  her body and writes her novel then, as the clock strikes 11:00 she set herself to bed.

Then as the clock strikes to 12 am. Poof!

A yellow normal cat is been seen sleeping in the bed.

Fairy Tail 8:00 am.

"Mahh, why is Luce taking her mission so long?" Natsu said as he sat down in the guild bar, together with Erza, Gray, and Happy...

Mira herd it.

"Lucy didn't come back yet?" Mira asked."But I was already informed that the doctor has been captured already."

"NANI?!" Team Natsu said in union!

"But then where is Lucy?" Erza ask.

"Do you think she might get an accident going back home?" Happy said.

Natsu didn't think twice as he stood up and run to Lucy's apartment direction.

And he didn't even bother to look back as Gray and Erza called him.

Natsu jumped up to Lucy's apartment.

No trace of Lucy! But he still look around then he saw the yellow normal cat!

Lucy's P.O.V.

'Huh? Why do I feel like this?' Lucy tried to stand up using her paws.

"PAWS?!" Lucy is shocked as she realized what's wrong with her.

She tried to speak but only "MEOWS" are coming out of her mouth!

And then she saw Natsu hurriedly open her window!

"RUSHI!" Natsu's called.

'NATSU'"MEOW!" Lucy cat called.

Natsu went to her side! She knew he would ALWAYS recognize her!

But then...

Natsu look under her bed, in the bathroom, even inside the trash bin! Calling her name!

'BAKA'"MEOW!" Lucy shouted.

"Huh?" Natsu looked at her finally!

"Hey there, little one" Natsu said," Have you seen Luce?" he asked.

Lucy sweat dropped.

'I am Lucy!'"MEOW!"Lucy said.

"Ah, sorry hehe, I know you can't speak, let's go find her then" Natsu said as he picked Lucy up.

'Kyahh! A little careful where your hands are grabbing 'punk!' Lucy cat said "Meow!"

General P.O.V.

Natsu brought Lucy/cat to the guild. Everyone is shocked! And they didn't recognize Lucy too not even Gajeel nor Wendy.

So team Natsu gathered in a table and talked of what should they do...

And they let Happy played with Lucy cat.

"Pu~pu~ this normal not talking cat look weird" Happy said.

'Ehh?' Lucy sweat dropped 'how come?'

"What do you mean Happy?" Wendy asked.

"Isn't it obvious? This cat was yellow, very weird kind of color" Happy said.

'Said the blue cat' Lucy said.

"So what do you mean then?" Charle asked.

Lucy thought that Happy finally realized the truth. 'Happy'"meow"

"That this cat, is been kidnapped by Lucy! For the owner not to find out, Lucy dyed it yellow!" Happy said.

"I know I shouldn't have listened to him..." Charle said, as she turned around.

'Yeah' Lucy said.*sight*

Happy then sulked in the other corner. Feeling defeated.

"No! I'll find her! For sure!" Natsu shouted as he stood up from his chair. He then went to Lucy and picked it up again."Happy, I will go home for now to get ready for search of Lucy, are you coming?" Natsu asked.

"No, I don't" Happy answered. Still sulking in the corner.

As then Natsu went home together with Lucy.

They went inside house Lucy saw how dirty Natsu's house again.

Natsu put her down in the so called-couch?

'YUCK' Lucy said as she steps on a green kind of blob...

She wiggled her feet but shriek as the bigger green stuff move! 'Kyaa!'

She jumped to Natsu! And cling to him!

"Hey, oh, you must be hungry now" Natsu said, and then he went to the kitchen."You want milk?" but his milk is been spoiled!

'NO THANK YOU!' "MEOW!"Lucy said. Wiggling her head!

"I guess I don't have decent food here" Natsu said. Then, Natsu laid in his hammock held her in his chest.

"Luce... Where are you?" Natsu said as he caressed her back!

Lucy looked at Natsu.

"You know, I miss Luce, she is my special nakama" and Natsu closed his eyes.

Lucy was so touched of what Natsu have said.

She bend down to peck on Natsu's cheek, but he move so it was planted in the corner of his lips.

Happy's P.O.V.

As Happy went inside the house, He was shocked! To find Lucy! Above Natsu! NAKED!

His eyes literally bulged-out!

Natsu woke up as he smelt Lucy.

"Luce!" Natsu shouted and then hugged Lucy! And they fell from the hammock!

Making Lucy under Natsu!

"Kyaah!" Lucy shouted!

"Doikitterru"(they likkke each otherr) Happy said as he was recovered from shocked. Surely the guild will be happy to hear about this so Happy went back to the guild!

"Oh... Luce why are you naked?" Natsu finally realized it!

a SLAP answered his question!

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