Part I: The Journey

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Chapter I: The Realmstone

    "What matter is occurring I know not of?" Princess Erin Armadus of the Kingdom of Aurora pondered aloud, as if the question was directed towards the noble knight, James, who stood on guard by her bedchamber doors. "I saw those soldiers that left my father's room. Their armour were shredded, and the kingdom heraldry colours turned by blood and dirt. I am not aware of war."
    "My sincere apologies, m'lady, but I truly may not tell you."
    "I am your princess, mind you sire," she insisted. "On whose orders are you forbidden to reveal to me this secret?"
    "The King, your father, m'lady." The knight felt almost guilty not telling Erin, but he was on strict orders from King Kenneth the Great of Aurora that not a word heard was to leave the ruler's throne chamber.
Erin frowned. She stared deeply into the concentrated pupils of the guard, a finger slowly curling her blonde hair, and her teeth gently biting the bottom lip. She knew he was a loyal man, and always seemed to have romantic feelings for her, although he denied it. Erin did not mind the attention. She was seventeen years of age and a maiden and unprofessionally thought James would make a fit suitor someday. So, the princess decided to use her "charm" to persuade the knight into revealing the desired answer.
    "I can only tell you this, m'lady," James finally whispered after about a minute of trying to ignore the powerful, seductive stare of Erin. "A group of watchmen chased thieves into the Angel Forest. There, they fought them and stumbled upon a cave in which the stolen goods were stored. And they recovered an object called a realmstone. At once, they returned to Aurora on a two-day journey to see His Majesty. But this is as much as I can say."
    Erin gasped. She knew little about a realmstone, but knew enough to understand it connected their world to the External Realm, where no mere man nor the bravest of warriors would dare travel to. This was a truth, told to her by the wizard Edmund, her cousin. Erin smiled. She got her answer and knew what to do next. "Willing to betray your king, sire?" She teased James, who blushed bright red. "I shall go and pester my cousin. You may stand your position. Soon I depart, and soon I shall return."

    Erin walked into the castle courtyard, her hands slightly lifting the teal silk gown she wore, made from the rarest silkworms of the Internal Realm and dyed in the colour only fit for royalty to wear. She came to a halt at a circular marble fountain at the center of the courtyard and released her dress.
    "The Royal Princess of Aurora!" proclaimed a palace guard, genuflecting while two servants knelt at once.
    "Rise!" commanded Erin, who would much rather breathe in the golden air. The sky was clear blue, as always in her kingdom, and she would love to take her time in the outdoors instead of commanding subjects back and forth as her parents would do. But this time, she was curious about that realmstone, so Erin decided she'd come back any other day. "You," she ordered one of the servants, "have you seen my cousin, Edmund?"
    "No, Your Majesty, I am afraid not."
    "But I, Your Majesty, have," chimed in the other servants. "He is in the royal wardrobe, searching for some garments to wear at tonight's dance." Lifting up clothing she held in her hand, the servant continued: "I was just about to present these to him."
    The princess smiled at the thought of the event. Important dignitaries from the nearby Kingdom of Hattensburg were going to visit. They would always bring noble gifts for her, like the gown she was wearing; it was probably because their prince wanted to be her suitor, the moment she shall turn seventeen.
    "Very well." Erin extended her hand. "And I shall hurry with these garments to him. Quickly, resume your duties!"
    "Yes, Your Majesty." the three subjects responded.

    Erin giggled at the commotion inside the wardrobe as she entered it. The knight that was in there guarding her cousin knelt.
    "Rise, good sir! Please, excuse us."
    "Yes, Your Majesty." Once the soldier left and closed the heavy wooden doors behind him, the princess turned to her cousin.
    "The Great Wizard of Aurora can find the one person in this whole kingdom with a burn mark on his rear part, but not clothes to wear for a ball." Erin laughed while handing Edmund the garments from the servant.  "Here, a servant fetches this for you."
    "Ugh,, no, no! Is this servant mad? This is sparkling, which no male character shall wear. And 'tis green. Green! Am I supposed to be on the royal dance floor with the same appearance of a dew-coated blade of grass? I must not!" he exclaimed, tossing the choice onto the floor.
    "Whatever, cousin. I am not here to help you select 'suitable' fabrics."
    "Oh, well then. Are you here to annoy me again Erin? Puh-lease, 'twas only yesterday you did. And made me knock--"
    "Nay, I have an important question."
    "Ask me anything, m'lady."
    "What exactly is a realmstone?"

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