Currents Convulsive

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know any more Kellin.” I say after a while of thinking. The doorbell rang and he went to answer it. I picked up Audry and walked to the door.

“Hey, is Megan home?” a female voice asked. The dark hair was a dead giveaway.

“Hey Maria.” I say. I flick my head to the stairs, motioning her to follow me. She walks by Kellin and follows. We sit on the bed and she takes Audry. Her hazel eyes bore into mine. I hate that. It’s like she can tell what’s wrong with one look to your eyes. That’s why I love her.

“Megan, I’m really worried about you. You need to see a doctor. You’re not your usual self.” I look into Audry eyes. “Think about your daughter. If she were older, she wouldn’t want her mother like this. Please come with me.” I look into her pleading eyes which are on the brink of tears. I fidget with my fingers and the helm of my shirt. The tears are already pouring out as I nod. The door opens and Austin starts to speak.

“Hey have you guys seen-whoa are you okay?” Maria hands him Audry and she takes my hand. She tosses me a pair of UGGS and my keys. She drives me to the hospital while I stare out the window. How did Kellin ever pick me? Nothing makes sense about me. I’m so stupid. Nothing lasts forever. I pull my knees up and wrap my arms around them. We arrive in the parking lot and she walks me up to the desk. She asks for my doctor and the lady points to the back. It feels like a nightmare walking back down here. I sit on the table and wait for my doctor to come. I just want to go home and cuddle up with Kellin. But something is wrong with me and I need help. What seem hours later, he finally comes in. he sits on a chair across from me and begins to speak.

“Okay. Before we start with any actual tests, tell me a couple things that matter to you.” Right off the back I name Kellin Audry Vic and Austin. “Family.” He draws my blood and does some other tests and tells us we have to wait a while. He comes back to ask me a couple more questions.

“What was your last meal?” he asks, crossing his legs.

“Uh, chicken alfredo.” At least, I think that was it. Kellin can be a horrible cook at times.

“Okay. When was this?” I tried to think. When was the last time I ate that?

“Uh, about a week and a half ago?” Maria gasped.

“Okay. What have you eaten since then?” he began tapping things into his iPad.

“Uh, air.” I began to trace circles on my thighs. The doctor shook his head and handed me a piece of paper.

“Anorexic and mild depression. Here’s you prescription. Maybe you and uh,”

“Kellin.” I state.

“Yes, Kellin, could have a romantic night. Ease some stress of your shoulders.” I nod.

“Thank you, wait! I’m not pregnant?” I bounced. This may be the first thing to make me smile.

“Nope.” A smile crept on my face and I grabbed Maria’s hand.

“Where are we going?! Why are you dragging me?!” she yells.

“It wouldn’t be dragging if you use your feet!” I basically throw her in the car and start it up. I drop off Maria and promise to call her later and I rush home. I slam the door shut and run into the kitchen. I see Kellin looking outside.

“Hey babe, Austin, Audry, and Alan went to the-” I jump in his arms and plant a kiss on his lips. His eyes widen I surprise as he holds me up. “-mall. What got you so excited?” I didn’t want to explain my pregnancy scare. I was just so happy I wasn’t pregnant and that Kellin is still all mines for a while.

“Nothing. Can’t a girl be happy to see her be-loving boyfriend?” I ask. I jump down and make some coffee. He snakes two arms around my waist and kiss my neck.

“Well, if she really wants to make her be-loving boyfriend happy, she can always give me my Christmas present early.” He whispers.

“Now why would I do that? all the presents are under the tree and just like everyone else, you will have to wait to get yours.” He gives me a disgust look.


“Kellin! I’m kidding!” I exclaim. He rubs his hair and walks to the bedroom.

“I’m going to need to think on that one.” I laugh and finish pouring my coffee. I sit on the couch and stare at the tree. This is going to be my first Christmas as a family in a long time.

One can only hope things go as planned.

blah, blah, blah. i know short and boring. I've been having bad writers block for this story lately, so bare with me. i might extend this story to ten more chapters. so, who knows. :/

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