More Sex, Antidepressants, More Kellin, and Pregnancy?

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When I woke up, I was still on the couch. Kellin was on the far end of the couch, mouth open snoring. My feet were on his lap, while I was on the other end. I got up and went to my car searching for my anti-depressants. Which of course I left at Vic’s place. I groaned and walked back to the house where Kellin now took over the entire couch. It’s been more than 24 hours since I took my last anti-depressant. Not. Good. I went to the bathroom to look through his medicine cabinet to see if I had left any. None. Damn. I went down stairs and shook Kellin.

“Kellin.” Nothing. “Kellin.” Nothing. “Kellin. Kellin. Kellin. KELLINF FUCKING QUINN BOSTWICK!!!” I screamed into his ear.

“DAMMIT I’M UP Megan!!!” he rubbed his eyes. “What is it?” I was jumpy.

“I left my antidepressants at Vic’s.” he shot up from the couch and grabbed the keys. He got in the car and began driving, even though he was still half sleep. When we arrived, the house was empty. I got my phone out and texted Vic.

Meg: hey babe, where r u?

Vic: sup sweetcakes, the boys and I r out recording, it’ll be about 2hrs.y?

Meg: left my antidepressants at the house, my keys r in my room

Vic: use the spare one in the gutters. Gtg love ya

Meg: love ya too

I turned to Kellin. I walked past him to the gutters and stuck my up it. Soon, I felt the cool metal of the key. I pulled it out and unlocked the door and ran to the bathroom before thoughts of suicide followed me. I popped two and drank water from the sink. I lifted myself to sit on the sink and allowed the pills to work. Kellin walked in shortly and place himself between my legs. He put his hands on my thighs.

“You ok babe?” he asked. I nodded as I felt the relief of the pills taking affect. “Where’s Vic and the guys?”

“Out recording.” We just sat there in utter quietness. Finally, I broke the silence. “Wanna watch TV?” I asked. He just shook his head as his hand move further up my thigh.

“I wanna finish what we started yesterday.” He said. He took me to the bed room and this time, I pushed him onto the bed and I dropped to the floor and undid his pants. “You’re giving me a BJ?” I nodded and put his length in my mouth. And it felt awesome. I began moving in and out. Listening to him groan and moan my name. He took his hand and tangled it in my hair. He began to groan louder and louder until I stopped. He grabbed me and crashed his lips to mine, shoving me on the bed.

“My turn.” He smirked and basically stripped me until the two of us were completely naked. He grabbed my arms and kissed my scars.

“I’ll love you no matter what.” He left trails of kisses on my arm and bruises. Before he kissed my lips. He placed himself in me.

“No matter what happens, I want you to remember this moment, when I made love to you.” He began thrusting in and out me, slow at first, being a tease, but then the movements became faster and my breath turned to short pants.

“Ke-ke-” he met my eyes and he said.

“Come on! Say my name!”

“Oh, Kellin.” Apparently that was a turn on because the movements became so fast the bed was a constant squeak. He put his arms over me to grab the headboard and it became easier. Soon, I felt him tighten. It was slow, but forceful thrust. He released inside of me and collapsed on top of me. I let my finger play with his sweaty hair as I let it downed on me.

This is the second I let him come inside of me.

There is a good chance I could get pregnant. After a while, Kellin fell asleep on my chest. And soon enough I did. I cried myself to sleep with the thought of carrying Kellin's child.

 The start of a broken family.


We got out of recording an hour early and I slammed the door. I went to the bathroom and saw the bottle of antidepressants on the counter, along with Kellin's bracelets. I walked to her room and the sight nearly broke my heart. They slept together again. He was on her chest sleeping and she was sleeping. They were holding hands. I closed the door and held back the tears that threaten to expose.

What’s to cry about Vic? You got over those feelings years ago.

No you didn’t Vic. You know you still love her.

But she’s with Kellin, and you can tell they’re committed.

 But you know you can’t keep these feelings bottled up forever.

But when the time comes, Kellin is gonna have to leave for the warped tour, make your move.

But dumbass, you’re on warped tour with him.

Shut the fuck up.

Make my dickblocker.

Go to hell

As long as you come with me

I shook my head. This is the main reason why I don’t reason within myself. Maybe I’ll tell her.

One day.

“Vic?” Megan walked out wearing Kellin’s shirt and some sweats.

“Yea, what’s up?” we went outside and sat on the porch swing. I pushed us forward to get some lift.

“We had unprotected sex and I’m afraid I’m going to get pregnant.” She blurted.

“But I thought you wanted to take care of his child?” I asked.

“Not if he’s going on tour and no one would be there to help me.”

“Not if you come on Warped Tour with us!”

Nice going cockblocker.

Shut the fuck up.

“But you guys are riding in separate buses!”

“No we’re not. Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens always ride the same tour bus.” I saw a spark in her eyes light up.

“Really!” she bounced.

“Duh! And we can all pitch in and help out if your pregnant.” She smiled and hugged me.

“I love you Vic.”

“Love you too Meg’s” she got up and ran in the house yelling Kellin’s name.

Nice, you’re gonna be the reason they break up.

Kill me.

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