The Call

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Megan POV

I have never been in a more awkward situation. I got behind the wheel again and we drove in silence. We agreed the kiss never happened and we weren’t going to tell Kellin. But I had to tell Kellin. It was eating me alive. Now I’m sitting here, on the phone waiting for Kellin to answer. I’m just going to come out with the truth.

“Hello?” his groggy voice answered.

“Kellin, I have to tell you something.”

“Megan I have to tell you something.” We said at the same time. Wait, what did he do?

“I kissed Vic.”

“I got an interview, wait you kissed Vic!?!?!?” I could tell he was angry. But I could hear him muttering to himself to calm down. “Did you enjoy it?” he asked.

“No! Kellin! I don’t know. I was on the oxymorphine and then it was a freak thing! You know I don’t feel that way about Vic. What happened in the past stays in the past.”

“How the hell am I supposed to know, what happened in the past, when no one will tell me about the past!!!” he yelled.

“I’m sorry.” I said barely in a whisper. I refused the tears to fall. “I understand if you don’t want to marry me.” I whispered. I hung up. As soon as I did, I got a face time call. I answered it, not even bothering to think about whose calling.

“MEGAN ARE YOU CRAZY!”  He screamed. “I would never not want to marry you over a simple mistake.” He said. I peeked from my little hair curtain.


“I love you Megan. If I didn’t, why would we have a child together.” I open my mouth to answer it, but he cuts me off. “Don’t answer that.” I laugh a little. “Or if I didn’t love you, why would I propose to you.” Once again I open my mouth to answer, but he cuts me off again. “Don’t answer that. Do you see my point? We’re in this together no matter what happens.” I smile and wipe away what tears remained.

“Can I see her?”

I nod and go to retrieve Audry. I held her in my arms and showed her to Kellin. He smiled and waved at her. Audry opened her eyes and it looked like the world stop. She was staring at Kellin. While he was boring into her eyes. You could really see the resemblance between them. The corner of Audry’s lips pulled up into a little smile.

“She’s so beautiful.” Kellin whispered. Audry’s head fell into my stomach, meaning, she was tired. I yawned, tired myself, “Get some sleep, beautiful.” I nodded.

(lets fast forward to their last concert. 2 months later.)

Today was the day Kellin was coming back. Audry’s now two months and couldn’t be more overly excited like her father. The guys have been such a good help for the past two months. I’m sitting on the couch, burping Audry, waiting for Kellin to come. The doorbell rang and I got up. I opened the door and a strong pair of arms grabbed me.

“Kellin!” I took in his scent. He smells like, tour bus, Jack, and barbeque. Huh.

“Hey, I miss you so much.” He breathes into my ear, sending shivers down my back. “You ready?” I nodded and handed Audry to him. A month earlier, we agreed to move in together. I had all my stuff packed and already moved into the place. I grabbed the last box and stuffed it in his car. I ran back in to say bye to the guys. They all embraced me in a group hug.

“Guys I’ll be over here all the time.” They shrugged and hugged me even tighter. When the pulled away, I walked out the door. “See you guys tomorrow.” It is going to be so weird to not have Turtle and Hime chasing each other around. It’s going to be weird to not have Vic there to comfort me. And to not have Mike lecture me. I got in the backseat to strap in Audry who just giggled and kicked her feet. I got in the passenger seat and took one last look at the house that’s been a home to me for three years. The guys were at the doorway, waving at us. It took all my might to look away and not bust in tears. While driving, I got a text from Vic.

Pale Aura k.q [Discontinued for re-writing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora