The Eyes Hold The Truth

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Crash. Crash and send me out of my misery.

Crash, burn, die.

A week after Andy kicked me out, a week after Kellin apologized, the only thoughts that ran through my mind was suicide. Austin couldn’t trust me behind the wheel so he drives. I don’t know to approach Kellin’s apology like that. It shocked me. Mike’s been keeping me on the tabs with Vic and apparently he’s been having nightmares. So far every little thing has thrown me over the edge. Kellin and Austin both agreed to keep Audry away from me until I’m stable. And right now I’m beyond stable. I cry at everything, the flashbacks are even more horrible and I’ve been overdosing on antidepressants. The withdrawals keep me screaming at night and most times I end up sleeping with Austin because being alone terrifies me. Today has been one of my better days.

 Only because I was going into public.

 Austin’s cousin was getting married and he wanted me to come. He asked Kellin to come but they are busy recording. Kellin had explained to Gabe what happened between us. Gabe was upset at first, but we still keep in contact. Juliet let me borrow one of her dresses. Even though Andy kicked me out, Juliet says we have to remain friends. I could tell the wedding ticked off Austin.

Mainly because the word wife sends him a painful memory of his wife cheating on him.

The word wedding makes me want to barf mainly because this could’ve been me.

And here comes the water works.

I began to sob. I put my hands to my face and cried. Why must I be a screw up? The one guy I love doesn’t want me back. I broke Kellin and Vic. Vic can’t stand to see me and Kellin doesn’t love me anymore. Austin handed me a tissue. I wiped away my tears and stared out the window.

“Whoa, why are you running?” asked a short boy. He was about 16, but I had to keep going.

“Please move, my dad is going to hit me again.” The boy picked me up. Oh god he was going to kill me now. He took me to his house and called his mom.

“Mama.” They muttered something. But she spoke up after a while.

“Victor, do you know her.” he shook his head.

“I see her around all the time. But when I saw her she was in tears. Eyes puffy and red and was running away from her father.” She nodded and disappeared.

“You can stay here for the night. You can trust me.” I nodded.

“I-I-I’m Megan.” He pulled me into a hug.


“Vic, you just saved my life.”

That was the memory of when Vic and I first met. I wiped away the rest of my tears and sighed. I’m so broken; it’s easy to see now. When people look at me, and their eyes fill with sorrow. Austin takes my hand and I relax a little. I don’t know what to call Austin. We’re not dating but the way we comfort each other, we’re not friends either. I can’t call him a brother. I don’t know what we are; I just hope whatever we are, it doesn’t end. After the long drive, we pull up into an outdoor tent. I got out the car and stood still.

“I can’t wait to call you Mrs. Quinn-Bostwick and a little Bostwick junior.” I smiled at Kellin and leaned over and kissed him.

I snapped out of the memory. They’ve been coming out of nowhere and they are worse than the memories of my father. They are worse because the pain is still here. Austin was behind me in an instant wrapping his hands around my waist.

“It’s going to be okay. I don’t want to be here either, but bare with me.” I nodded and we walked into the outdoor scenery. Everything was so white, my eyes hurt. I turned to Austin, afraid that people could see me and read me as an open book. I looked and saw his tie was messed up.

“At least if you’re coming to a wedding look decent.” I mumbled as I straightened it. He smiled and embraced me in a hug. We walked down the aisle to take our seats in the middle row. Far enough so we don’t miss anything but not to close before we lose our minds. People kept gawking at Austin and others shot me sympathy looks. As the reception began my leg wouldn’t stop shaking. It was if I knew something was going to happen. Only I didn’t know what. Austin set a hand on my thigh. A way of telling me to chill out. The music changed and we turned to look at the bride. The dress was so beautiful. It hugged her torso and it was ruffles all the way down. Simple but gorgeous. When she arrived to her soon to be husband, I stopped dead in my tracks.

It couldn’t be.

I stood up.

“Megan,” Austin hissed. “Sit down.” Everyone gasped at me as I got out of my seat and walked a little closer. The groom looked at me and I was the one to gasp.

“Dad!” I yelled. Everyone gasped again and I turned to them. “Aw shut up!”  I walked up to my dad and it was him.

“Dad?” this earned me a hit across the face. He pushed me down and put a foot to my face while twisting his foot.

“I’m not your fucking father. Don’t call me dad.” The blood was pooling into my mouth. He kicked me on the side.

“You had to tell me something?” he pulled out the pregnancy test from his pocket. “YOU ARE NOT HAVING A FUCKING BABY!” He kicked me  in my side over and over again. Each blow as painful as the last. When he left, I don’t know how I managed, but I found my way to Vic’s house and I collapsed on the front door. Mama Fuentes yelling for Vic to call 9-1-1.

My eyes met his.

The same eyes that looked into mine when he kicked me.

 The same eyes that stared into mine when he raped me.

Those same eyes that at one point cared about me.

“Megan?” I backed up away from him. “Megan, please,”

“Don’t hurt me. Stay away from me!” I yelled and took off running into the woods.

Pale Aura k.q [Discontinued for re-writing]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon