Your Forever Is Enough. Is My Forever Not Enough?

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Megan POV

You can do this. Hold yourself together. It’s just a tattoo.

Yeah, something permanent that will never EVER come off.

Chill, it’s just lyrics.

Yeah from Kellin’s song. Who knows how long yall last.

Oh but getting one with Vic was ok. Promising they’ll be forever.

Psh. Megan doesn’t know what’s she missing.


I shook my head and advanced into the parlor.

“There ya go sweetie.” Said a girl with blue hair. She turned to me and her eyes widen.

“Megan!!!!” she ran and hugged me.

“Hi.” I said awkwardly.

“It’s me. Hannah. Hannah Usey from high school!” a wave of drinking, weed, and partying memory hit me.

“Hannah!” I hugged her. “What happened to your black hair.”

“Shit happens hon.” I laughed. It feels good to reconnect with the o’gang.  I nodded though. “So how’s Vic. Are you guys as wild and passionate as yall were in high school?” I blushed and cleared my throat. Kellin’s grips tighten on my back.

“Uh, no. Vic and I broke up. He’s part of a band called-”

“Pierce the Veil. I love that band. Also Sleeping with Sirens. Kellin is one sexy mother-” Kellin cleared his throat and Hannah almost dropped the needle in her hand. “You’re Kellin Quinn.” She looked down at my ring.

“And you’re Megan Quinn?” I laughed, but Kellin wasn’t.

“Actually it’s Quinn-Bostwick. And no. Just engaged.” Her eyes widen and she ushered us to a back room and sat me in a chair.

“So what brings you the ole tattoo parlor a second time around?” she puts on gloves and gets something from a cabinet. I hadn’t even thought of where I wanted the tattoo. But seeing Hannah, I wanted something to remind me of high school.

“Uh, a pair of wings growing from either side from my belly button.” She lifted her shirt up to show exactly what I’m thinking. The same tattoo was on her stomach.  “YES! Like that. and above it I want song lyrics on it.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course. What shall it be?”

“They say love is forever, your forever is all that I need.” I notice the lip ring she had on both corners of her mouth and two above her mouth.

“You always were the one for lyrics.”

“I’m going to head to Vic’s. Chill out. Call me when you’re done.” I nodded and he left, kinda grumpy. As the needle began being stuck in my skin, Hannah began talking.

“So how’s it been since high school?” she asked.

“Pretty well. Vic and I kept dating up until a year and a half ago. I’m engaged to Kellin and just recently moved out from Vic’s house.”

“You we’re staying with him? And the rest of Pierce the Veil. Jaime, Tony, and Mike?”

“Yup. Oh. And I have a two month daughter.”

“Aw, what’s her name?”

“Audriana Fuentes Quinn-Bostwick. Audry Quinn for short.”

“Awww.” She cooed.

“So what about you?” I asked in return of turning the attention away from me.

“Oh, remember Justin?”

Pale Aura k.q [Discontinued for re-writing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt