IwaOi Part 12 - Borrowed Time

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Shocked Oikawa pushed Iwaizumi back,

"What? I can't hold back anymore, ok?"

"So, do you really love me Iwa-chan?"

"Yes, I love you too"
he said while holding Oikawa's face and they started to kiss passionately.

They went to the bed while kissing.
Oikawa while holding Iwaizumi's necktie, lay down on the bed while pulling iwaizumi to him.

Both of them did not hesitate to show their affection to each other, unlike before.
They messed up with each other in bed and made love. ❤️~~~


Oikawa woke up,
'Oh i fell asleep'

"Oi, come on let's eat I've finished preparing dinner"

Oikawa then remembered what happened between them.
He blushed and became embarassed.

He then went to the table to eat with Iwaizumi.
Oikawa was restless and he is not saying any word.

"Oi, what is it? You're irritating"

"But Iwa-chan, did we.."


"Did we have sex just now?"

"What are you? An old man? Why would you forget something that just happened"

"So we did?"


"Does that mean we're dating? Iwa-chan?"

Iwaizumi looked at him and said,
"What? I have a girlfriend you remember"

Disappointed Oikawa pouted,
"So you just taken me for granted! Is that a one night stand?"

"But I mean what I said"

'I love you too'

Oikawa thought, 'Should I be happy or not?'


The next day, Iwaizumi woke up first.
He then prepared breakfast.
After one hour Oikawa was still sleeping.
He then went to Oikawa and woke him up,

"Oi! Why do you sleep so long, lets eat breakfast already then we're leaving"

"Uhhg, leaving? Where are we going Iwa-chan?"

"Doesn't matter just come with me"

Oikawa immediately ate breakfast and got ready.

As they went out,

"Iwa-chan, where are we really going?"

"You'll know when we get there"

They finally stopped,

"Iwa-chan, this is.."

"The Tokyo Olympic stadium"

"Wooaah! It's my first time to go here Iwa-chan! Its so big!"

"Yeah, remember when we were kids, you promised me..

One day I will play in that stadium Iwa-chan! You should watch me!"

"Yeah I do remember that"

"Sooner or later you can reach your dream. You've come so far so don't lose your path"

"Huh? What do you mean Iwa-chan?"

"Nothing! I'm so tired of walking, lets go to the park near here to rest"

They went and sat under the tree,

Iwaizumi suddenly said,
"Oi, Oikawa"

"What is it Iwa-chan?"

"Let's let's make the best of our time while I'm here"
Iwaizumi looked at the sky,

Oikawa looked at him, smiled and said,

"Yeah, Iwa-chan"


The days Iwaizumi stayed at tokyo was full of happiness and love. They acted like a raal couple. They always sleep together, eat together, and went to dates.

For both of them, those were the happiest days of their life,

No holding back.

Nothing to worry about.

Just pure Joy and Love.


2 weeks have passed.

"Hey, Iwa-chan.. Today's your last day in tokyo right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's my time to take you somewhere before you leave"

Oikawa took him to a place where there were a lot of Sakura Trees.

"Look Iwa-chan, isn't it beautiful here"

"Well yes it is but, there's a lot of Sakura Trees in Osaka you know, even more beautiful than that"

"Well it is, nothing is more beautiful than us seeing it together right Iwa-chan?"

"You're right" Iwaizumi smiled.

As the sun set, Oikawa asked Iwaizumi,


Can't you just..

Stay with me?"

Oikawa tried to hold back his tears, but it didn't work. He cried a lot. Knowing that they love each other but can't be together breaks him.

"Oikawa, I love you..

But someone's waiting for me to come back.."

He went to Oikawa and hugged him the tightest as he can.


The night already came. The time that Iwaizumi needs to go.

"So this is it, Iwa-chan."

"Yeah, take care of yourself."


Iwaizumi forcibly held Oikawa's face and kissed him.


"Goodbye, Iwa-chan"

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