Abusive boyfriend. (1)

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Suggested by NerdyPandaz158 hope you enjoy!

Your POV.
You had been in an abusive relationship for six months. Your boyfriend, Daniel, had threatened to kill you if you told anyone. You decided to keep your mouth shut and keep it in, not letting anyone know. But no matter what he did to you, you still find yourself loving him, hoping one day he'll change.

The front door of you and Daniel's apartment swung open and it revealed a drunk Daniel, swaying side to side as he walked through the door. You quickly run up to him and take his coat off, hanging it up on a hook. You don't dare to look up. He turns his attention to you, smiling. But his smile was not a kind and loving one, instead, it was the drunken smirk, he stalked towards you and grabbed you by the hair.

"How you like that huh?!" He asked, as you screamed and kicked around.
He lifted you off your feet and you could feel strands being pulled out.
"I asked a question bitch!" He yelled.
"Ple-please s-st-stop" you stutter out. Your hands wrap around his wrist that was holding you up, scratching and tugging for him to let go.
"Daniel- Da-Daniel s-s-stop" you whimper. He smirks in satisfaction.
"Stop? The funs only started, baby"
He threw you to the ground and you heard a sickening snap as you landed in a weird angle on your left foot.
You cried out in agony with every little move you made with your ankle, and couldn't stop crying. Your ankle was throbbed and stinging. He took a step forward to you, you shuffled back a bit. He still held the evil like smile.
"D-d-da-danie-Daniel s-s-s-stop-p". Your lips shake with every word you said.
He just gave out a long and slurred laugh.
"Oh y/n. Oh so weak and fragile. Submissiveee..." He slurred out.
Every move he made, you would move back. After a few torturing seconds, he was right in front of you, your back pressed against the wall. He grabbed your hands and pinned them on the ground above your head. You tried to hide your body but his grip was too strong.

He started kicking at your ribs. Each blow you sucked in a breathe and tried to stop him, putting up a fight. You cried and sobbed for him to stop, but he took none of that. After about 30 blows, you heard cracking. Your ribs were broken and your were blooded.
"D-d-Daniel s-s-stop" you begged, as he pulled out something from his pocket. Your eyes widened as he had pulled out a small sharp knife.
*violence I would not like to write*
Everything passed as a blur. Your screams echoed off the walls. You begged him to stop but he wouldn't take that. You were slipping out of conscious from loss of blood. Five ribs were broken, you had a broken ankle and a blooded and bruised body. Patches of hair clung to your face, with sweat, blood and tears. You huff every breathe out in pain and difficulty.
Your hand goes to find your phone. Wincing at every move, you cry out in relief when you find it in your back pocket. You pulled it out slowly so you don't move any other
You cough harshly, shaking your body. You scream out in pain and agony.
You unlock your phone and call the first number on the list. Your eyelids start to drop and you start to lose hope. You bite down on your teeth and fight back.
"Hello?" Thomas's voice was sleepy and irritated. You break into a smile of happiness. With all your strength, you whisper
Before your world goes blank.

Rlly fucking annoyed somehow because I can't find good books to read. Second part coming tomorrow or something.

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