What Hurts The Most: Number 5

Start from the beginning

          “Hey, nice car,” I said in a low voice. “Gee, thanks! I barely got it today!” I said in my regular voice. “That’s nice, it’s a new color.” I returned to the low voice. “Black is nice, so I don’t blame you.” I giggled. This continued for about five more minutes, before I started laughing at myself.

          I switched the radio station, a catchy song was one.

          “Say Somethin’ if you’re feeling the vibe; Say Somethin’ baby don’t be so shy.” I sang along with the radio after the bridge.

          “Haha, catchy song right there! Now that’s what I’m talking ‘bout! That song was by Austin Mahone, if y’all were wondering.” The radio person said once I was next to Robert’s car in the drive way.

          Whoa, what? I never Austin could sing; well, he might’ve told me a couple times, but I thought he did his own covers, you know. Not, radio singing making songs. Now this was a topic me and Austin were going to talk about tomorrow at the ‘little date according to Reagan.’ Ugh, I had to remind myself of that? I didn’t want to go, not with Austin; I mean, the principal could be gone all night and I’m going to be trapped with Austin and animals. Great.

         “Yo, get out of the car; you’ve been in there for like ten minutes.” Robert tapped on my window.

          I snapped out of my day dreaming, got my things and hopped off the car. I was a little dizzy since I got up too fast and barely finished drinking my Starbucks; not too mentions barely finding out Austin had a song.

          I walked inside and went to my room, finishing my homework, texting Miranda, who was also ‘thrilled’ on my ‘date’ with Austin. Was the whole school excited to hear this? Because if they are, I didn’t get the memo and I don’t want the memo.

          “Claire, mom has to tell us something,” Logan came in to my room, standing between the door and Robert.

          “Yeah, she wants us to go down, so hurry up.” Robert said, holding his hand out for me.

          I took it and walked behind my younger brothers. We saw our parents in the living room, whispering about something, until my dad noticed us and gave my mom and steady look, like ‘They are here, don’t talk about it around them’ kind of look.

          My mom just looked at us, with a expression I couldn’t figure out. She looked from me, to Logan, to Robert, back to Logan, then Robert, then me; this pattern was freaking me out since she was doing it for about two minutes and an half.

          “Mom,” I croaked, “What is it? You’re freaking me out and I’m getting nervous.”

          She sighed, then a smile spread on her face, and dad smiled also.

          “Santana is doing great; she’s better, she’s coming home.” She said, making me gasp.

          My little sister was better, but there might be a catch; maybe feed her every two hours or not to let her take a nap for more than an hour or fifty minutes.

          “And,” my father said.

          “And?” Robert and I asked at the same time causing Logan to giggle.

          “And, I’m pregnant.” My mom said.

          “No.” I gave them a look.

          “Claire, I’m pregnant,” my mom said, giving me a weird look.

          “No, this can’t be happening; you guys can barely raise Saint and Logan by yourselves, you guys can’t be having another Villanueva; that’s never going to happen!” I yelled, giving them a disgusted look.

          “Claire, we have nine months to work things out.” My dad said in a calm voice.

          “Technically, sixth and an half months,” Robert coughed out the words.

          “What?” I was completely confused right now.

          “Me and your father are going on a cruise to work some things out, since you dad is the head of the company, he’s going to look if he can having more companies of his around the world.” My mom nodded at me.

          “Then who’s going to take care of Logan and Saint?” I asked.

          “That’s the thing,” my father sighed. “We were deciding if you could maybe drop from school and take online classes.”

          Online classes? For two months; no more drama, no more high school fights or detentions. That sounded good, but I want all of those things; I’m not giving that up so my parents could go around the world.

          I’m not going to take online classes.


So…? I don’t think there was a cliffhanger! I’m going to upload the first chapter of Heartbreaker later today or probably next week! Exciting isn’t it?

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