"Mr. Petrovic." Slightly bowing his head, as a sign of respect; the guard collected the documented paperwork. His eyes briefly moving over ever ink etched word. Before settling back on the man I've come to know as Mr. Petrovic. "Well she's all yours. I'll be sure to file these myself." As he said this he waved the papers through the air. The flimsy material flapping together. "Oh, and I've already turned her monitor on. So if she happens to make a run for it then just press this button here and it'll send a little zap through her system." Smiling, he handed Mr. Petrovic a small little device before biding his farewell and retreating back down the hall in which we came.

Frowning, I vigilantly eyed the device myself. For I already knew of the torturous power that it held. One click of the button and a shock of what could only be described as deadly convulsing electric bolts would ripple throughout my whole body. Starting from the ankle up. I've only experienced it once, and though it wasn't enough voltage power to kill us... it sure felt like it. Like a blazing fire pulsing through my body, burning me from the inside out.

"Well... shall we." Slipping the device into the pocket of his jacket, Mr. Petrovic held his hand out towards the door.

Sighing, I reluctantly proceeded to leave the building.

With each step that I took I could slowly feel myself swelling with happiness for finally getting the chance to leave this place and envelope some highly needed fresh air. But just as so, that happiness slowly dwindled down into dread. For I had no idea as to what I was to expect.


The ride to Mr. Petrovics home could only be described as an awkward one. As he sat there calm and collected, eyes strictly focused on the road; I was internally having a panic attack. My hands were fidgeting, my leg bouncing up and down in a restless haste as I looked out of the window. Every now and again I would turn my gaze to Mr. Petrovic, staring a hole into the side of his head. But then finding it extremely rude and impolite, I'd find myself staring back out of the window with longing. Biting my lip as I watched the greenish scenery pass by in one flurry motion.

"Try not to seem so nervous."

Snapping my head up at the sound of his voice, I frowned. "Try not to seem so nervous?" Did he not see how incredulous this situation was. I was a simple, yet helpless human. Pawned off to some bloodlust vampire. Riding to what could only be my own personal hell. For I had no idea what this man was actually capable of. Surely I had every right to be nervous.. scared even.

As Mr. Petrovics sentence lingered through the air. We fell into silence once more. Thankfully it stayed that way.

What seemed to be an hour later, he pulled into a graveled driveway. Which lead to an exquisite Victorian home. Looking out of the window, I took in the beauties of the scenery before me. The house was absolutely refined. Finely detailed from brick to brick. The windows were polished, probably not one speck of dust in sight. Lined with fine brown shutters. Blooming flowers lining the panels of every other window. Their soft petals dancing with the gust of the wind.

Turning off the ignition, Mr. Petrovic got out of the car, me doing so just as well. Running my hands along my exposed arms as I followed him down the pathway that lead to the main door. Pulling out a set of keys, he curtly unlocked the door. Moving aside he then gestured for me to go in. "After you." Frowning at his act of chivalry, I walked through the threshold. Embracing the warmth that enveloped the small foyer. "Well then..." Shutting the door, Mr. Petrovic clapped his hands; turning to me as he did. Giving me his full undivided attention. "My children aren't here at the moment, nor is my wife. But everyone shall meet in time." Smiling, he placed his jacket upon one of the many hooks that aligned the wall. "Now I have something that I must attend to, but Mischa here can escort you around. Give you an intake on how things work around here."

At the mere mention of her name a girl to who I'm assuming could be Mischa, waltzed into the room. Her strawberry blond hair lightly strung over her shoulder as it hung in a loose ponytail. Her striking blue eyes lighting up with wonder and curiosity as they landed upon my frail form. "Sir Raphael." Holding her skirt out, she did a small curtsy.

"Mischa. Be a dear and help Ellanore here. If there's any problem I'll be in my office." Before Mischa could utter a single word in response, Mr. Petrovic was moving down the hall. Taking long strides as he disappeared down one of the many hallways.

Looking down the hall in which he just left, I shook my head. Sighing, I then turned my attention back to Mischa. "Well... I suppose we could start by getting you something more... fitting to wear." She mumbled. Taking in my overly exposed body as I stood in front of her with nothing but a skimpy set of undergarments on. "Follow me." Twirling around she began to make her way down a hall that stood opposite of the one Mr. Petrovic took not only moments ago. Myself following two steps behind. Moving from one hallway to another, I slowly digested everything in.

Just as the outside of the house, the inside was just as ravishing. From the hardwood floorboards to the silk laced curtains; everything seemed to be overbearingly expensive. "What is it exactly that Mr. Petrovic does for a living?" I questioned. Letting my curiosity get the best of me. I understood that most vampires had a very wealthy budget and lifestyle... but Mr. Petrovic himself seemed to be much more then what I sought him out to be.

Briefly glancing over her shoulder, Mischa smiled. As if she found my question to be highly amusing. "Mr. Petrovic is a business man. Owns acres of land across the globe. He's also married to Lucilla Petrovic. Who just so happens to be the daughter of one of the most respected council members of them all. I guess you can say that's a bonus."

At the mention of the council, I felt an unwanted shudder of fear slither it's way through my body.

I've never experienced an encounter with a council member before but they're known to be very fearful. They were known as the sapience. Latin meaning the wise one. They were like the godfathers and godmothers of their entire kind. Whenever someone were to break their refined rules.. they'd hold a meeting. Displaying said ones unlawful act of character in front of thousands. Showing them a prime example of what could possibly happen to them, before snapping their neck completely.

You know I even heard that they have some sort of weird powerful sorcery element. In which they are brace with once they complete through the changing phase. Of course that's just a rumor. More then unlikely to be true.

Coming to a stop down the end of the hall, Mischa turned to me. "Well this will be your resting chambers. There should be some freshly ironed gowns in the closet, so I'll give you sometime to wash and change. After, I'll be happy to give you a tour and let you in on the rules and regulations." Smiling Mischa looked me over once more before disappearing into a room that sat right across from my own.

Sighing, I turned and opened the door. Wincing as the hinges wailed in protest from the mere action. The room wasn't much. With a twin sized bed placed in the corner. A nightstand supporting an old antic lamp. And an old rug with an Aztec design strewed across it. I had to admit it was much better then being held in that awfully cold cell. It's been so long since I've got the chance to sit on an actual bed that wasn't lumpy or spring free.

Feeling a small yet content smile etch it's way onto my face... I nearly thanked the heavens above for bracing me with Mr. Petrovic. Keyword being nearly, of course.

This was just the beginning.

This was just the beginning

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