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~Zerina pov~

"Hey Maeve!" Maeve turns on her heel and screams. I run over and hug her.



"Ahahaha so how's life?"

"Oh you know Just dating Sam Riddle. THE SON of Voldemort!"

"NO WAY! At least he is cute...I'm pretty sure he looks like his father when he was young."

"Ahaha I'm so happy!" We kept talking about our life's while walking to the sytherin common room. Maeve Miller is a pure-blood wizard. She is about 5'6, strawberry blonde hair, Blue eyes, and is known as the BadGirl at hogwarts. Every guy i've ever known wanted or wants to be with her. Even Draco at one point. She usually wears a short silver slytherin skirt and the slytherin button up shirt. But she also wears fishnet leggings and gloves with big black and green boots.

"Pure-blood" The door opened to the common room and then all of a sudden pain went through my body. I screamed a blood curdling scream and see Draco pop up from the couch. He runs over to me and trys to figure out whats wrong. Someone put me under the Cruciatus curse. It fells like a thousand knifes were thrown at my body. It felt like it could kill me. i suddenly felt cold hands wrap around me and rocking me back and forth. Who did this?. Just then all the pain stopped and i was breathing heavily. I looked up to see Draco and Maeve hovering over me.


"I don't know. Come on. Lets go to the infirmary." Maeve told Draco. I started to feel really dizzy. And everything went black.

~Maeve pov~

"Draco hurry. She is already out cold. We need to get her to the infirmary now." I do remember yesterday seeing Alexis put a knife through her hand. Now someone threw the torture curse on her

"Maeve. i got this.. You can go back to the common room."

"Fine. When she wakes up tell me."

"Ok." I kissed his cheek and walked away. I always had a secret crush on Draco. But then again who didn'? Almost every girl I know loves him. Zerina was the lucky one though. Just then i hear footsteps behind me. I pull my wand out and hide behind the never know who it could be.


"Sam?" I turn the corner to see my sam there. I run to him and give him a giant hug.

"what are you ddoing past curfew?"

"Oh, just walking around." He kisses my lips and i felt sparks.

"Mmhowmm aremm yommu doin?"  He ends the kiss.


"I said how are you doing?"

"Fine. I guess. What bout you babe."

"Ok. Nothing special...Except for you." He smiles.

"I love you Mae."

"I love you too sam."

"Sam...Did you put the torture curse on Zerina?'

"I-I meant to hit Draco.."


"Because it looked like he kinda likes you and i thought something was going to happen between you two.."


"I know...and I'm sorry...I'm so sorry"

"It's ok...nothing is going on between us. baby..i promise."

"Ok. I believe you mae."

"Good." I smiled my big stupid smile.

"For being the badgirl here i would say your innocent allot."

"You'll see why im called the bad girl soon enough."

"Ok. ok." I hit his shoulder.

"Please. You act like your the bad one."

"You do know who my father is right?"

"Yeah I'm not stupid."

"Well then yes. I am the bad one in this relationship."

"Whatever." we walked hand in hand back to the common room. We sat one the couch and just layed there. I soon quickly fell asleep and felt his warm hands carry me to my room. I think he was laying with me...oh what will Zerina say when she walks in tonight...

~Alexis pov~

"hey Alexis?"


"Will you help me?"

"Sure. With what."

"Go out with me to try to get Zerina." WOW!



"Yeah, And plus it might get Draco jealous for me."

"Deal" Me and Randel Eliotte shook hands. We have been friends for awhile now. But i never knew he liked Zerina. Randel Is 5'8 with spiky black hair and is a nerd in the class but an evil genius out of it. He has really nice brown eyes and will make sure anything he wants happens. And I know for a fact Zerina May be his...And then Draco may be mine. I smile at the thought of this.

"Oh. Here they come now!" He grabs my face And pulls me into a long sweet kiss. He licked my bottom lip for entrance. I granted. We are only doing this for show...only for show. I kept chanting that in my head when i looked over to see Draco and Zerina Standing there with a surprised look on both of there faces. They both walked to Draco's room. I ended the kiss when they left the room.

"Wow..." That was all that came out of Randel's mouth

"Right..But they looked pretty surprised..and Zerina looked a little jealous." At least that's what i saw.

"We will see sooner or later."

"Yup. Night,"

"Night Alex."

And with that we parted...

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