Being a deatheater isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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I woke up in the room Draco showed me earlier. Then i remembered what happened. That was so painful. I look at my left arm to find the mark. I shivered as it looked terrifying....What would my parents think!? I can't possibly tell them I'm a death eater. That would just kill them. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Draco comes in and has a relieved facial expression.

"Zer your finally awake!"

"How long was i out?"

"4 days."

"4 DAYS!? I didn't think i would be out that long. or be knocked out of it at all."

"Well you were."

"I'm just glad that im finally awake and get to see you."

"Me too. But it's time to get up. We have to go and eat then we have an important meeting." I just sigh and get up.

"Shoo shoo. I have to get dressed."

"There is an outfit for you in the closet." I nodded. I shut the door behind him and got my clothes. I walked down the hall to the bathroom. After not taking a shower for days i must have B.O. I let the hot water run down my body relaxing myself. Letting the water take all stress away from my body. Letting my mind wonder. I finally got out of the shower and dried off and put my dress on. It was a long black gown stopping at my ankles and drags in the back. It's cute...but it doesn't show off my body. But whatever. I put my hair in an up-do and applied little make-up. I went down to the dinning room where breakfast was being served. I toke my seat next to Draco and his mother.

"WELCOME EVERYONE!" The dark lord boomed.

"Today we are going to discuss how to get rid of Potter."

"We could make a poisoned potion!" One deatheater threw out

"Or we could duel with him and trick him from behind!" Another yelled.

"OR OR OOORRR we could kill him the muglge way." One very brave one yelled. They just kept screaming out ideas like there was no tomorrow.

"STOP!" the dark lord yelled impatiently. "We will have our newest member find out how to get rid of harry. As she will most likely be able to gain trust or find someone else to do so for her. And you can have the help of aanyone." I stared in shock. He can't possibly be having me do this! I was about to speak up when Draco squeezed my hand letting out a warning. I simply nodded and said "Yes, my lord." with that the meeting was over and i ran up to my room. I lay on my bed thinking. Head in my hands. How would i be able to do this? How can I get through this? I can't even get along with Potter and his crummy friends. I could get a ravenclaw to do it...or use a spell..I was thinking as someone knocked on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey." I heard a Similar voice trail through my ears.


"I'm sorry about your mission...I'll help if you want"

"No Draco it"s fine i can do it myself." He held my cheek in his hand.

"I will help if you need anything. You just have to tell me and I'm there."

"No I'm fine. really."

"No. I'm helping you. That's final." i stopped arguing. He won't let me do this by myself. But i can...

"Fine. Whatever. I Just need my sleep. Talk to you in the morning?"

"Of course." He kissed me and hugged me and left to his room. I layed there thinking. How can i get this mission figured out...this will be harder than i think.


I hugged her and left the room. How can he just put a hard mission on her like that!? I hope she doesn't get stressed out. I would be. But i will help her. Even if it kills me. I finally walk to my room and push the door open. There was a letter at the foot of my bed. It read:

Dear Draco Malfoy,

      We have been informed that your single status has changed. We must inform you that you she must have the following traits:



*Respects the darklord





We do not care if you love her or not. She must be right for your family. We do wish that you listen upon this letter. Or we will have problems.


What is this?! They are trying to tell me that i may not be with the girl i love forever?! HOW CAN THIS BE? I'm staying with her if it's the last thing i do. Nothing will change that. Not even this stupid letter. But she does have most of the traits on here. Hopefully she doesn't slip up though...I hope she doesn't...I don't want to lose her. not now. Not this way.

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