Love could be harder than lies.

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~Zerina POV~

That damn weasly girl walked into the bathroom and ruined this perfect moment. I look at Draco to see him blushing. I gave her a deathly stare. No one makes hims blush in embarrisment except..well..nobody. I walk over seeming very angry. Fear rises in her, her eyes never leave me.

"Lets go Draco." He grabs my hand and we walk out. The halls are almost empty. Everyone was in there dorms or common room. We walked to the Slytherins Dungens hand in hand. Tomorow there was going to be lots of whispering and rumor about us. He was the most powerful Slytherin with another powerful Slytherin. Hopefully he isn't using me. I've heard the rumors. And i Know he isn't a virgin. But i am and he better not be using me just to sleep with me. I really do like him.

"Pure-blood." The door opened and we walked into the common room. I layed down on the couch. Draco lifted up my head and laid it back down on his lap. I smiled up at him. He pushed my hair back off my face to look in my eyes. His eyes are a deep gray...they were, no are so beautiful i can't stand it. He smells like..Vannila? He leaned in closer to my face and kissed me softly. Our lips in sync, moving as if there was music playing. He licked my bottom lip for enterence for my mouth. I granted. His tounge explored my mouth as it finnaly meet mine. We ended the kiss for air. I smiled.

"Draco can i ask you something?" He is kissing my neck and nods his head.

"Do you really like me...or do you just want to sleep with me?"

"Zer. I like you alot. And im not gunna force you to do anything you don't wanna do." see that, he cares for me. But i do want to sleep with him just...i don't know when...

"Draco, you won't force me to do anything. And I want to just...later."

"Anything for you" He smiled. We just sat there for a while when i started getting tired and fell asleep...

~Draco POV~

She fell asleep on the couch next to me. All i can think about Is that kiss. I'm falling for her. I was in deep thought when my left arm started to ache...the dark lord..i forgot about him. How will i tell Zer!? I woke her up and told her to go off to bed and she did. I ran to the lake outside the school. I bowed.

"Yes, my lord?" He was sitting with Nagini...That snake gave me the creeps.

"Draco, i have a task for you." I nodded and his snake came over to me and slithered around me. "I need you to find a girl. A Slytherin girl, who will help you. And join me!"

"Well...i already have a girlfriend...she is very devious and mischiefious."

"What is her name?"

"Zerina Mulcin." He thought about it, im guessing he was looking through something.

"Ahh..she is perfect. I want you to bring her to your place durin the holidays. Don't let me down Draco."

"I won't my lord." And with that he was gone.

~The next morning.~

I woke up and went to take a shower. The nice hot water was relaxing. Then i remembered that i have to tell Zerina about last night. I got dressed and went to the common room. There was Zerina. Reading. I snuck up behind her and put my hands to her eyes.

"Guess who."

" it...Draco?" I sat next to her..

"How'd you know?" I smirked

"I dunno lucky guess?" We stared laughing then i grabbed her hand and walked her out the the lake.

"I Have to talk to you about something."

"Ok. what about?"

" you support the dark lord?" I Said quickly. Hopefully she wont be upset.

"He is pretty cool. I would love to meet him. And if anything it would be cool if i was a deatheater." Did she just say she wanted to be a deatheater!?

"What if i was a deatheater?"

"Then i would want to become a deatheater this second!" Sudennly the darklord sent me a message through my mind.

'Tell her your a deatheater and bring her here NOW!' he left my mind and i grabbed her hands.

"Zer..i want to show you something." I lifted my left arm sleeve. She looked at it and was shocked, but smiled.

"I wanna be one too! I want to help you with everything" She smiled. I Kissed her and she kissed me back..That kiss turned into snogging. I stopped it befor it came to anything else.

"Follow me." She held my hand and we went to a little mirror in the middle of the forest.

"Grab on."

 next thing we know we are at my house.

"Welcome to Malfoy mannor" I said with a smirk

"What are we doing?"

"I Have a surprise" We walked inside and to the dinning room. There was the dark lord waiting for us.

~Zerina's POV~

THE DARK LORD!!!!! Draco and I walked over to him and we bowed.

"Hello Zerina. I hear you and Draco are toghether. So i have thought about it and you and draco may be toghether forever." Forever? We are  so younge though..

"And know that you are going to become a deatheater." A DEATHEATER!? So much info in so little time. Draco toke my hand and he went to talk to a woman. I belevie it's his mom. He then led me upstairs to a bedroom.

"This is where you and I will be staying. Oh and here. Change into this." He handed me a green dress with a silver belt. And silver heels. "Wheres the bathroom?"

"down the hall" I went to the bathroom and changed into this beautiful dress before i looked at myself i fealt my was I looked in the mirror i had makeup on and everything. How is that even possible? Whatever. I walked back to Draco's room and he was in a tux that was black with a silver shirt under the jacket and sliver shoes. With a green bealt...i just noticed we were wearing slytherin slow..He smiled at me and we where hand in hand walking down the stairs. People where drinking and having a good time then all eyes landed on me. People started cheering and claping. Draco lead me to the darklord. I bowed and he bowed back.

"Zerina..are you ready for you cerimony?" i nodded.

"Just so you know if you break any rules you will be punished." I nodded again. "EVERYONE! PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBER! ZERINA MULCIN!" Everyone cheered and clapped and with that he stuck his wand in my left arm. I Screamed in pain and fell to the floor. Draco was by my side making sure i was ok. Next thing i remember was blacking out.

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