Set it Off

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This is probably gonna be long but idek.

So I went out with Michael and I'm glad I'm his girlfriend. I'm really happy. We've been dating for about a month now.

"Babe!" I heard Michael call.

"Yeah?" Me and this other girl asked. My eyes widened.

"Babe. Babe it's not what it looks like this is...umm... uh... Okay so maybe it is what it looks like but I really do like you!" He tried to defend himself.

"If it wasn't obvious were done." I said walking away with tears in my eyes. I heard Set it Off playing their set. I walked over to the crowd and made my way to the front.

"Wait!" Cody yelled into the mic. My eyes widened as I made eye contact with him.

"We have a special guest in the crowd right now. Jasmine from The Echo's! Come on up here Jasmine!" I shook my head no.

" Please?" He begged.

"Fine." I said getting pulled on stage.

"Yay!" Maxx yelled.

"This song is called Partners in Crime. Can you do Ash's part?" He questioned.

"Of course I can." I answered.

"Cool." He said and started singing. once we finished everyone cheered.

"Thank you Cody for letting me sing with you. I'm a big fan of you guys." I admitted.

"Wow that means a lot coming from you." he said looking sincere.

"Well your fans are much more excited then mine are but we'll beat you soon right guys!" I yelled in the mic everyone cheered. I walked off stage to find Jack standing there with a smile on his lips.

"That was amazing Jazz." He complimented.

"Thanks Jack." I said.

"So I was thinking maybe you would want to-" He started to say but the douche cut him off.

"Jasmine you have to listen to me I didn't mean to cheat on you it just happened but I do truly care about you." He said.

"Michael we are still gonna be friends that was just the universe telling us that we shouldn't be together." I reassured him. He audibly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jack what were you going to say?" I asked.

"Never mind now." He growled.

"Okay then." I said and walked away. I walked back on the bus and Kelsey came out of that one place in the bus where there was a door we made it into a game room so..

"Hey where have you been?" She asked.

"Well me and Michael broke up cause he cheated but I said that we were still friends. Oh and I sang with Cody Carson." I said that last part waiting for the screams.

"WHAT?!" She questioned.

"Yep." I said smiling.

"That's amazing." She said smiling like an idiot. All of a sudden Ashton came in and pulled me into the room.

"What are you doing?" I questioned angrily.

"Let me see your wrists. Now." He said sternly. I puffed and felt ashamed and disgusted with my self. But I pulled up my sleeves. He looked up at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm disgusting. I can't help it." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Don't be disgusted with yourself its not your fault. Society is a bitch." He said.

"Thanks Ash." I said controlling my self.

"Okay lets go back out there." He said.

"Okay." I said.

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