She's Gone part 2

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That's Ally so Yea.... Okay then...
Jasmine POV.
"Your Alex fucking Gaskarth! And your Jack Barakat! Oh my fucking god I'm gonna die!" I screamed. They chuckled a little.
"Jasmine calm down we can handle this can't we? Were the kids in the dark. Right? They don't go down without a fight okay?" She said calming me down.
"Okay. I can do this thanks Kels." I said calming down a little.
"Who's adopting?" Asked Miss.
"I am ma'am." Said Jack
"Okay have you decided?" She asked.
"Yes can I have her?" He said pointing to Kelsey. OMG SHE GETTING ADOPTED BY JACK FUCKING BARAKAT!
"Omg Kels that's amazing I'm so happy for you!" I yelled.
"Her why not me I'm much prettier." Elizabeth said with fake smile. I gagged Jack laughed when he saw what I did. I blushed and looked down.
"Probably because I want her and not you Yea that is a valid reason right Alex?" He asked.
"Yea I think so." He said and I laughed a little and looked up to see Jack smiling at me. I looked back down linking my arm with Kelsey's he frowned.
Jack's POV.
I saw her link arms with my girl that I'm about to adopt. I feel bad. I think I'm breaking up a friendship.
"Okay Jasmine since your one of the only ones who Kelsey talks to can you help her pack?" Jasmine I like the sound of that.
"Yea okay." She says in a faint whisper I almost didn't hear her. But her voice.. Dude what are you doing your 18 she's like 16. But that's not that far apart tho. Okay never mind.
Kelsey's POV.
I don't want to go but I do! I don't know what to do.
"What do you think about this?" I asked.
"I'm happy for you." She said with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes it usually does when she's with me.
"Yea? I'm really excited! I mean its Jack Barakat. But I'll be leaving you. I don't want to leave you Jazz." I said with tears falling down my face.
"Hey I'll be okay. Okay?" She said with little tears on her face as well.
"Bay window time? Just one last time?" She asked.
"Yea." I smiled.
(Skipping bay window time again he he)
Jasmines POV.
She just left and I broke down into tears Alex the girl one she just sat beside me rubbing my back. I ran away from her and went to my bathroom and got my razor again and this time I went deeper making the blood drip on the floor. I held back a scream. I need out of here.

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