You Said Forever....

Start from the beginning

                           "Jen I can promise you I'd rather die than divorce you, you're my entire life. " With a smile the two behind the door hugged. 

      "I love you Jethro.." 

             "I love you too Jen." With that they made their way out the door to stop in the doorway and look at the four people who now sat outside Jen's door. Tony, McGee, Ziva and Abby smiled. Abby had been called by Tony to get up here and she was up in seconds. Jenny looked towards Gibbs.   

                   "Think they know?" 

                             "Defiantly.." With a nod Jenny looked towards them. 

"You know I'm pregnant with twins. I don't have to tell you that but what you don't know is the genders and their due date. I was gonna tell you but I decided to keep it hidden from you know. Do not, I repeat do not bother Ducky because yes he will know. Now I suggest you all head back to work." With that they were all on their way. 

            Later that evening the couple sat snuggled on the couch watching the news. Jenny groaned as she buried her face in her husband side as the broadcast from earlier that day with her and her husband on it came on. 

                         "Jen it's not that bad."

                              "I don't look good at all.." 

   "You look beautiful.." He says kissing her forehead.. Smiling she snuggled into his side as he switched off the tv. 

                  "You know the bed is right upstairs.." 

                          "Too lazy.." She mumbled and rolled into his side. Shaking his head he got up and picked her up as well carrying her up the stairs where he dropped her on the bed.


 "I wasn't gonna sleep on that couch with you digging into my side. You can do that in bed where I can at least be comfortable."

                 "Yeah.. Yeah. Was throwing me really that necessary." 

                        "Yep.." With that he climbed into bed and pulled her to him. 

                                "Bastard..." She mumbled snuggling into his side.

 "You still love me.." 

             "That i do.." With that the two drifted off. They were gonna spend their weekend by catching up on much needed sleep, or at least that was what they were hoping to do.. 

                    All of a sudden both phones were going off and there was a knock at the door. Groaning both rolled over and reach for their phones. Gibbs answered first. 

                   "Boss something really big just came up and I think we may have just sent it to your place.. Boss we're sorry." 

                    "DiNozzo don't apologize and what?" 

                               "You'll understands soon enough." With that Tony had hung up and he looked towards Jenny who had a worried expression on her face. She hung up as well and look towards him. 

                                     "Jen? What's wrong?" 

      "T-that was the doctor.."

                "What is it?" 

                             "Something with one of the twins.. They want me to come in and see if they were just seeing things.." 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now