Chapter 18|| Just Fluff idk

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Etienne and I wake on the pull out couch once again. Mom and Seany are next door. Etienne is smiling at me and leans in and grazes my lips sleepily. I push him off slightly and he frowns,

"I don't want my mom and little brother to hear us making out," I say, smiling,

"Fine, then we won't make out," he says, grinning stupidly. I roll my eyes and pull myself out of bed to go make breakfast. Etienne follows behind me as I lean over, looking in the fridge. I pull out pre made pancake batter and put it up on the table. I close the fridge door and look at the pictures and things stuck to it. A picture of Etienne and his mom, Mom, Seany and I, all  of our friends from SOAP, Etienne and I kissing in Paris and of course Isla and Josh's sonogram. Mom saw it last night and freaked out, thinking it was ours, we quickly told her it was Josh and Isla's, which was a bad idea. She started lecturing us about safe sex and teenage pregnancy and how we should value being young etc. etc. I sigh and cover it with another picture and adjust a few others, I then realize that Etienne has to change his work schedule. I turn around before I go mad trying to make everything perfect. Etienne was busy making the pancakes, so I pulled myself up onto the kitchen table. 

A few minutes later Etienne started piling pancakes onto a plate and placed them on the table. He smiled at me and I smiled back, he then quickly turned and grabbed my waist, kissing me. I started to shove him off but slowly closed my eyes, "Mom and Sean won't just bust in..."  I thought, shoving my hands into his hair. Seconds later a door cracked open and Sean's voice brought us back to reality,

"What are you doing?" He asked as I Etienne and I broke off. My whole face was burning and I started giggling, unable to control myself,

"Want some breakfast, Sean?" Etienne asked, unable to keep the laugh out of his voice,

"Okay," Sean said, sitting down in a chair. I gave Etienne the British finger low down, even though Sean wouldn't know what it meant. I didn't, until Etienne taught it to me last year. I joined Sean at the table and I watched Etienne wipe off his mouth and unsuccessfully try to fix his hair. I smiled at him again and he served us, then went to quietly go wake up my mom. I told him to do it since she was his almost mother-in-law,

"So Sean, how are you?" I asked. He shrugged, so I tried again,

"So do you like Etienne?" I asked and he looked at me and said,

"I don't get why you don't call him St. Clair," through a mouthful of pancake. Now that was a hard one to explain to a 10 year old. It was hard to explain to anyone really...

"I call him Etienne because he's... special to me," it was weird explanation and I could tell by his face that he thought that I was insane, so I just shoved some pancake into my mouth. About 30 seconds later Etienne returned with my mom and they took a seat at the table. Etienne smiled at all of us and said,

"So what are we going to do today?" 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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