Chapter 15|| Chatting

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We sat around the table in the kitchen. Josh was clearly pissed off and Isla was clearly distraught. Etienne was sitting with Josh trying to joke around with him, he clearly wasn't in the mood. He must of gotten quite an earful from his parents. Isla was staring at her phone which was lying on the couch.  She bit her lip and absentmindedly shoved scrambled eggs into her mouth. She put a hand on her stomach and continued staring at her phone like she just couldn't help it. I could see that she almost stood up about 10 different times. Slowly Etienne started to back off Josh and the table became silent. I cleared my throat and said,

"So, did you guys sleep well?" It was a boring question but hopefully it would get the conversation started. No such luck. Josh just shrugged and Isla didn't budge. I sighed and played with my fork. All I wanted to ask was how their phone calls went, but I knew I couldn't do that. We sit for another awkward minute when my phone rings. Thank goodness. I pick up and Lola starts talking to me about dress plans and how it's almost done. She told me to come by at 1:00 for one last fitting. I agreed, not really listening to what she was saying. I was watching Isla just like everyone else. She scrunched up her face, then stood and picked up her phone. I had no idea what she was doing and Etienne didn't seem to know either but josh seemed to know exactly what she was doing. He smiled at her as she punched something into her phone. I could see her hands shaking even from here. I swallowed and then remembered Lola who was still going on about the dress. Something about lace,

"I gotta go, Lo," I said, cutting her off.

"Oh. Ok. Everything alright?" She asked. I nodded the remembered I was talking on the phone,

"Uh ya, everything's fine. Bye."

"Ok. Bye!" She said happily. I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket. I walked back to the table and grabbed Etienne and pulled him into our room,

"What are you doing?" he asked as I pulled the door closed,

"It's rude to eavesdrop," I said and pulled a tiny step stool over to the wall. I sat on it and pressed my ear to the door. I gestured for Etienne to follow me and he scooted over. We sat still and listened closely. It's only rude to eavesdrop when the people you're eavesdropping on know that you're eavesdropping. 

*Isla POV*

I dialled the familiar number into my phone with shaking hands. I was calling Kurt and I was nervous as hell. I wish everyone would disappear and let me talk on my own. I had to redial about 5 times, that's how much I was shaking. I tried to calm my nerves as I dialled but my heart beat was through the roof. I swallowed hard pressed call. I put the phone to my ear and at that moment Anna pulled Etienne into their room. I let out a slight sigh of relief. Josh approached me and put his arm around me. I closed my eyes as I heard the dial tone. It rang once, twice, thrice and then he picked up,

"Hello?" He asked. His voice was settling and unnerving at the same time. How was I supposed to tell him: Kurt,

"H- hi Kurt," My voice shook and I had to bite my lip to keep from crying. Why couldn't I do this? 

"Isla? Are you okay?" He asked nervously,

"I'm-" I was going to tell him I was fine but I wasn't sure how true that was, "I'm okay. I just need to tell you something..."

"Okay. Anything," My whole body was shaking now and Josh wrapped his arm around me tighter,

"I- I..." I was supposed to be able to tell Kurt anything, why couldn't I tell him? I knew why. Because he would be disappointed in me, more disappointed than my parents. Tears started falling down my face. Josh wiped them off and whispered, "It'll be alright." To me softly,

"Isla, are you sure you're okay? Are you with Josh?" Kurt asks from the other end of the phone,

"I'm fine... and ya, Josh is right here. He's sort of what I wanted to tell you about..."

"Did he do something to you?" His voice grows angry,

"No! I mean, sort of. Nothing bad... not really. I'm sorry Kurt, I know you'll hate me for this and, and..." I start sobbing and sit down on the couch slowly,

"I won't hate you, Isla, what's wrong? You're scaring me," I take a deep breath and finally I say,

"I'm pregnant."     

The End, Not Quite||An Anna and the French Kiss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now