I'm going insane!

"Leave me alone..." She whimpered as she slid down the wall behind her.
"I'm real! You aren't going crazy!" The feminine voice argued.
Jazmine ignored her sitting sobbing into her knees.

I can't stay here much longer...

"Please! I'm in the room next to you. I'm talking through the air vent."
Jazmine picked up her head to see a metal vent up above the head of her bed.
She raised her eyebrow as she crawled to it, tears sliding down her cheeks.
"Yeah! Hi!" The girl whispered
Jazmine smiled.
"Oh...wow!" She sighed in relief
"I thought I was going crazy..." She said reassuring herself
"Heh...I know what you mean..."
"I'm Jazmine."
"Hi Aaliyah."
"Hi Jazmine."
"How long have you been here?" Jazmine asked.
Aaliyah sighed putting her head against the cold wall.

In her room the walls were pale blue, her accommodation though did not change from Jazmine's. With her back against the head of her bed she turned to the tally marks clawed into the ugly wallpaper.
"I'm not sure....but I know how long i have left." The girl says sadly.
She heard Jazmine gasp.
"What do you mean?" Jazmine asked shakily
"My....execution is coming soon."
"Your what??"
Aaliyah raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah...this is an execution camp...you didn't know?"

Jazmine felt delusional her head was spiraling.
She banged her head slightly against the old rusty bed frame and swayed her head side to side.
"Jazmine?" The girl asked worried.
Though Jazmine couldn't hear her.
she could only hear the sound of her blood accelerating through her body.
"No! I'm not going to die here!" Jazmine screamed banging her moist palms against the bed.
"Sh! Jazmine! They are going to hear you!"
Jazmine stood from the bed and looked at the camera in the corner of the room.
"Fuck you Gerald! Fuck you! You are not going to kill me in this hell hole do you hear me?! I can't stand being in here another second! I'm going crazy! When Huey comes you are going to wish you were dead! You fucking pig! Do you hear-" the door busted open and guards swarmed her room lifting up Jazmine kicking and screaming.
Aaliyah heard rustling through the vent.
"Jazmine! Stay strong Jazmine!"
Jazmine was hysterical kicking against the strong armed men.
"Let me go! Let-" then she was out the room with a bang of the door shut.
Aaliyah couldn't hear Jazmine's screams or the sounds of soldiers boots crashing against the moldy floor.
"Jazmine?" Aaliyah whispered shakily.
She sighed
She looked around her room.
The vast empty room was all she had left. Ever Since she and her sister had been taken away from her family.
She reached her hand to the top of her head.
she felt her tight curly hair was matted and dirty.
"disgusting" she muttered
She looked down at her fingers, her caramel was ashy between them.
She scraped off the excess skin and let if fall to the floor.
After she was done she turned to look at the tallies scraped on the wall.


She sighed.
"Just a couple more months..."

Caesre Pov

Today in class we had to do a partner project. I look at Zack who had his earphones plugged in.
"Does anyone have any questions about the assignment?"
I raise my hand.
"Can I switch partners?"
The class laughed.
The bell rings and everyone begins to pack their things.
"No Caesre. Zack will be your partner."
I roll my eyes
Zack with his earphones still on packs up quickly and leaves the classroom. Nala walks up to me.
"Hey ba-"
I rush past her and jog up to Zack.
I tap him on the shoulder.
He turns and right when he does I shove him into the wall behind him.
"What the hell??" He yells plucking out his earphones.
But I ignore him and aim my clenched fist to his jaw knocking him on the floor.
"Ceasre stop!"
I ignored my girlfriend's plea
I straddled him on both sides, keeping him grounded
I continue pounding my knuckles against his skull. Spewing red fluid from his lips.
I was so angry.
I've known Jazmine for years, she was like my sister.
I hope she isn't dead...
It's all his fault !!!

Zack should have never left her side!
My hands grew numb as I connected my knuckles to his skin. Turning his white pigment into a darkened red, bruising his face.
"Where-punch-were-punch-you??!" I yelled catching my breath
He tried to shield his face with his arms but I just found empty spots and swung.
"Ceasre get off him! Please!"
I felt hands grip my shoulders while I pound aggressively.
"Please stop! You are going to kill him!"
My skin was boiling hot and I knocked her hands away knocking her on the floor.
I stop at the sound of her scream.
I blink a couple times staring at the bloody mess beneath me.
I look behind me and see Nala on the floor, tears flowing from her gray eyes.
I reach for her but she flinched away from me.
"Come on baby..." I say in a reassuring voice. I reach for her again and she crawled into me sniffling.
I hear Zack groan as I comfort my girl in my arms. I turn my head everyone is staring . There was a big crowd of people towering over us.
Then the principal can bursting through to the front.
Nala looked up to him.
"Again?" He sighed putting His hands on his hips.
"No...it was me sir..." I say looking shamefully at the bloody boy beside me.
"Oh Christ!" He ran to him and held him up.
I help Nala up and I look down to the bloody boy.
I shake my head
I turn to Nala
Her eyes were watery and red.
"I'm sorry baby...go ahead. I'll meet up with you later."
" no. I'm not leaving without you." She argued grabbing my arms and pulling them to her
I look back down to the principal
"Someone call the nurse!" He yelled waving his arms
I look back to her
"I think I'm gonna be here a long time babe." I say pushing her curly hair away from her face.
She nodded and sniffles
"Ceasre my office now."  He principal said with piercing eyes. Pointing his finger to the left.
I look at my girl.
Man...I hate seeing her like this.
"I'm really sorry baby." I say kissing her on the cheek
She sighs and pats my slightly on the chest.
"I'll be fine, just don't get arrested." She winked making me feel better inside.
I let go of her which pained me.
I wanted her to come with me.
I let go and walk past the crowd.
The crowd was saying pushing me as I walked past.
Man fuck these niggas I don't care.
I enter the office and walk past a couples kids giggling. I sit by the door that said "Principal"
I sit and sigh
It was quiet.
Just the sounds of finger tapping on keyboards and old ladies answering telephone calls.
I sigh again
So this is what hell must be like.

End ch 5

Damn Caesre got hands!!!
Poor Nala she is such a baby 😂😂
This girl is annoying the crap out of Huey...or is she?😏
So who is this Aaliyah chick?! She is being executed?! Whaaaatttt who saw that comin?!
And poor Jazmine she gon dieeeeee...or is she? 😌
Dun dun dun
Until next time,


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