Ch 7 The Heart Wants What it Wants

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Riley Pov

Man I know Huey ain't sick. Jazmine hasn't been to school and neither has Huey somethin goin on. I decided to ask c-murph if she know what's poppin.
I saw her at her locker like I do every day
I love seeing that girl, make a nigga happy to get to school

Riley: "Aye! What's good C-Murph!"

Cindy: "What chu want?"

She said like she was mad. What she mad at me fo'? She been acting like this ever since I tapped that ass. Nuh uh I'm over it she gonna tell me what's up.

Riley: "What's up with chu?"

Cindy: "nothin nigga! Leave me alone! "

Oh she gonna tell me. One way or another 😏

Cindy pov
This nigga really think I'm playin' I won't be his little sex toy. Like he can use me whenever he wants and just for pleasure. Nah I don't play that game.

Cindy: "Leave me alone!"
I turn and walk away when I feel my wrist being grabbed and dragged back to my locker
It was Riley his face was emotionless and he held me against my locker with my wrists held to my sides.


Cindy: "What the hell Riley??"

I was about to kill him! This is embarrassing
Riley had a smirk on his face, his big brown eyes made my heart skip a beat. His brown skin was so perfect, not one flaw in sight. He was just.....
I shake my head from my thoughts and returned my glare back at Riley

Cindy: "Riley let me Go!!"

People were starting to stare
Riley put his head to the side of my my ear and bit my ear then licked my neck.
It sent a shock down my spine, and my body seized up against the lockers.
he knows this is my weakness.
I gasp and close my eyes.
Riley: "I think you want to tell me what's been going on with you lately."
He said in a low seductive tone that made me shiver
Cindy: "How about you get the fuck off!! "
I managed to say still trying to release his grip on my wrists.
He bit my ear again and this time I moaned. I looked around again and now people were stopping and watching
Cindy: "Riley okay! Okay!"
He finally released his grip and I stared at him with anger
I wanted to hurt him, I hate being embarrassed

Riley Pov
Oooooo Murph was maaddddddd ! But aye at least I got her to tell me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the lockers and headed toward my car

Riley: "Aight, tell me what's going on with you Murph? "
I said with a smirk
As we sat in my car
Cindy: " Nah I'm mad at chu."
Riley: "Come on Murph, don't be like that"
Cindy: "Fine! I am not your sex doll! You can't use me whenever you want and not be in a relationship with me!"
She yelled, I could tell she wanted to hit me but she all of a sudden changed her attitude
She seemed  more sad than she was angry
Then She began to cry
Her blue eyes began to fill and my heart shattered to millions of pieces, and my chest tightened
My smirk melted away to form a frown

Riley: "No no no no"

I said facing toward her trying to catch her tears

My face softened, and I wiped her tears from eyes.

Aww my white girl, my C-murph

Riley: "Cindy..."

Cindy pov

Damn! I hate crying! Ugh now he gonna think I'm soft and shit

He hopped to the back seat of the car and gestured me to join him. I was hesitant at first because I knew what would end up happening.
Though I did it anyway because I couldn't resist him

I sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes
Riley: "Cindy I don't mean to make you cry, I hate seeing you cry. You are my tough white girl."
I laughed and opened my eyes to see Riley stroking my hair.
My blonde hair was in a braid but he unbraided it and left my hair out
It fell down my back
he put my head on his chest and began rub my head and run his fingers through my hair.

Cindy: "Riley...why won't you ask me to be your girlfriend?"
Riley: "Why do you want to be with me?" I'm no good for you."
I was shocked
Cindy: " Riley, I gave up my virginity to you...and you are my best friend. Why wouldn't I want to be with you?"
Riley: "Cindy, of course I want to be with you, but I don't know...."
Cindy: "Riley, come on tell me what wrong."
I said pouting looking at him
He looked down at my lips and went in for it I closed my eyes only to feel his soft lips on my nose.
Riley: "Because I don't deserve you."
He said and he got to the car.
I sat there, dumbfounded

Riley Pov
Man I don't like expressing my feelings, especially to C-Murph
I was walking to my locker trying to forget everything that just happened when I ran into Ceaser
Ceaser: Hey what's good young Reezy?
Riley: Nothin just chillin about to go to class
Ceaser: Aight fosho let me go with chu
Riley: aight
I said as I closed my locker but I see C-murph at a distance walking toward me
I turned around and started to walk the other direction.
Ceaser: Aye wait up Riley!

I could hear Cindy calling me but I just kept walking. Ceaser caught up to me

Ceaser: "Aye why did you ignore Cindy?"
Riley: "Oh I didn't know that was her."
I lied.
I kept walking trying my hardest not to look back for her but my arm was yanked and I turned to see Cindy with an angry face

Cindy Pov

Cindy: "Why didn't you answer me??"
I yelled at Riley
Riley: "Just calm down"
Cindy:"Don't tell me to calm down...why do you think you don't deserve me?"
Riley: "Cindy, I just...I'm not good for you. You can do so much better than me. I know I act all hard but I won't do that to you. I know you can find someone bett-"
I was tired of Riley's excuses and I gave him a kiss to try to convince him that I...I love him.
He caressed my back and I gently tugged on his cornrows wanting more of his lips
He pulled back
Cindy: "I want to be with you. Don't you get it? You"
Riley smiled and it felt like a whole bunch of sparks were flying all around us.
That's mine. My baby Reezy

End chapter 7

Thanks for reading!

Riley and Cindy are officially together! Who knew Riley was actually a softie 😭💓

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