Ch 8 Always

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It was a cold day in Woodcrest and everyone seemed to be at work or at school so the streets were silent. Huey who is in his room lays back closes his eyes.


Dad: Huey do you want to play video games with me?
Huey: Yeah dad!
Mom: You are going to ruin my boy's beautiful mind, with all those games.
Dad: Oh stop, it won't be that bad.
Huey: Where is Riley?
Dad: He is in his room, he might be asleep.
Huey: Riley!
Huey calls as he goes around the corner into his brother's room
Surely enough he was asleep
Huey laughs
Huey: Get up baby brother!
He shouted as he jumps on his brother's bed
Riley: Otayyyy!
Riley whines as he turns over
Huey laughs and hugs his little brother
Riley giggles
Riley: Huuuuwwwwiiiiiii! (If you don't notice Riley is still young and can't really articulate certain words so above he meant to say Okay and Huey :) )
Huey still holds his brother tight and they wrestle
Suddenly the boys are stopped by a pounding on the front door

The boys both gasp

End of Dream

"Noooo!" Huey yells. And sits up in his swivel chair. He tries to catch his breath but couldn't help having tears roll down his cheeks. Now remembering little pieces of his life with his parents punched a hole inside him. What happened to them?nWhy dI they leave he and his brother alone? Questions leaped through Huey's mind, he started to feel his blood boil with fury, he gets up and punches a hole in the wall
He grabs his swivel chair and throws it and it flies across the room.
"Fuck!!" He shouts and slides down the wall of his room to see the mess he has made. His eyes are shut hard, it was a method for him to hold in his tears. Huey hardly cries and when he does, it is a lot of tears. His face begin to sweat from holding back his tear he hears a voice say, "It's not good to hold in your tears." He turns to see Jazmine with a worried look on her face, she sits down next to him against the wall
There was silence Huey looked away embarrassed, Jazmine who looks towards the mess of the room stays silent with cringed eyebrows.


Huey can hear the rattling of the trees and their leaves from the windy day. He closes his eyes and listens when suddenly he feel an arm pull him up. Jazmine who is now on the bridge of tears looks up at him.
"I am so sorry." She whispers.
Huey still not looking at her shakes his head
"It wasn't you...." He whispers


Huey still not looking at Jasmine starts to sweat again and Jazmine anxiously waits for his tears. Though he doesn't let them fall, his breathing had fallen heavy and Jazmine was worried that he might trash the room again. She brings him close to her, Huey Looks down at her with his big wined colored eyes and her heart skips a beat. His usual scowl melted away to a blank expression, Jazmine pulled his shirt toward her body and laid her head on his chest. Her hands reached around to his back and started caressing him with her fingers. "It's okay to let go Huey." She whispered her fingers traced his back muscles and Huey with his eyes shut did not hug her back. He opens his eyes and looks down at the girl with the orange poof ball and hugged her.

He sighed letting out all the grief that had built that day and pulls her away. Without looking at her he say "Thanks." She sniffs as if she was crying and says "Always Huey."
She turns to walk out but Huey grabs her arm before she could go. Her body tensed up and looked at the boy who she loved. He was looking at her now and that made her smile, though he had his usual scowl she was so happy.

Huey now seeing Jazmine smile feels better, he pulls her in and stared into her emerald eyes. They were red and puffy and his heart melted

"Let's go to the hill." She said. Huey nods and they walk outside to go to their favorite spot in the whole town

Ceaser who was at school with Riley and Cindy was shocked at their kiss. "Whoa!! Dude nice!" He said as he pounded fists with Riley. Riley now looking down at his girlfriend smiles. Damn...I ain't ever seen that nigga smile like that before. He thought. Cindy and Riley who are now busy being a couple don't notice Ceaser he sighs and walks off.
"I mean I'm a good guy, good looking, and very nice especially to women. Why can't a cuff nobody?" He said to himself. Just then he spots a girl who was walking towards him. It was as if God answered his own questions, the girl looked up at him. Her eyes were of a Grayish tone and her eyelashes were long and thick. They made eye contact as they passed each other and his heart began to flutter. Ceaser unbeknownst to him was walking right into an open locker the girl was still making eye contact with him gestured to stop confused he turns around and hit the open locker with his face. The girl now has her hand covering her mouth runs over to him.
"Are you okay??"
Ceaser who was rubbing his cheek look into this girl's eyes and she began to blush.
"I will be if you tell me your name." Ceaser smirked
She smiles and says "Nala."
The name sent shiver down his spine and he reaches out his hand
"I'm Ceaser."
"Ceaser..." She respeats as they both hold each other hand in a handshake.

At the hill Jazmine was of course unprepared for the cold windy weather and began to shiver. Huey shaking his head takes off his jacket and hands it to Jazmine. She accepts it and sat down in the grass, Huey who was leaning against the old oak tree closed his eyes and appreciated the sound of the leaves rustling on the ground at the sound of the wind blowing on his afro. Huey was surprised at Jazmine's silence so He looks down to see Jazmine laid out on the grass with her eyes closed as if she was sleeping. Huey felt something go off in him
I wonder if that is how she sleeps all the time
I can't wait to see that face every day when I wake up in the morning
Does she always look this beautiful without even trying?
He shakes his head of his thoughts and returns his gaze toward the city

Jazmine who was closing her eyes and appreciating the sounds of nature felt peaceful. She had no more hate with Huey, she couldn't stay mad at him for so long. She raised her arms behind her head and relaxed, she hasn't done this in a long time. She couldn't help but let a smile appear on her face then the feeling of being picked up made her open one eye. It was Huey, he was picking her bridal style down the hill, he must have thought she had gone to sleep. With a smile still painted on her face she took in this moment.

End chapter 8


What was Huey dreaming about? Was it a dream? Or was it a memory?
Did Ceaser finally find love in his life? Who is this Nala? Does she have a story?
Riley and Cindy look so happy!
Jazmine is over her anger with Huey, I mean who wouldn't be , he is so adorable! 😭💕

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