She's Always Right

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"Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right, and the other is the husband."
- Some qoute online

Disclaimer: I don't own magi nor it's characters.

If there was one thing Sinbad had learned about relationships and marriage, it was that she was always "right". It didn't help that his long-time companions and friends would also side with her.

Sinbad: what do you mean abstinence?!

Anneth: Sin, every problem begins with alcohol with you. Just like that Balbad incident where everything was stolen, and you weren't even left with clothes on your back!
Sinbad: how did you know that?
*looks at Ja'far*
Ja'far: I had too. As a friend and loyal subject, I had to tell our Queen. This is for your own good, my King!

Sinbad: but that was a loooong time ago! It didn't happen after now did it?

Anneth: (-_-) Hon, that was a month ago. Besides, with the amount you drink I'm still surprised that you're not dead with some cancerous liver disease!
*Ja'far nods at her words*

Sinbad: but but but-

Anneth: no means, no. So, no.

Sinbad: Noooo! \(T○T)/

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