Going to the Lair and meeting his family - Leonardo

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You woke up feeling happy and thought nothing was going to ruin the day, you got dressed and brushed your teeth and combed your hair.

You made your way to the kitchen to see your mom reading the paper and drinking a coffee.

"Morning mom" you said.

"Morning sweetie" she yawned.

"How'd you sleep?" You asked putting bread in the toaster.

"Alright, listen baby girl I have been asked to work longer today I actually have to be at work in a few minutes, I'm really sorry honey take care have a good day at school" your mom kissed your head goodbye and left.

"Sigh she's always working she might as well marry her job" you frowned.

Once school ended and you just got out of the building your phone went off it was Casey asking if you wanted to meet up at the pizza shop you said you'd be there in a few.

Casey waited for you and once you got there he smiled at you, asking if you could help him with the pizzas.

"Casey you blockhead why do you have so many pizzas?" You asked.

"I have some friends who really love pizza more than anything and needed help bringing these to them" he answered as you both walked down the sewer.

"And they live down here?, Casey what kind of friends do you even have?" You asked.

"They are special friends (y/n) and I'll introduce you to them" Casey smiled.

You reached a place that had lots of noise coming from it and you paused in your steps afraid to go any further.

"Casey I'm scared I want to go home" you said.

"It's ok (y/n), nothing is gonna happen to you" Casey said taking your hand and walking in you see mutants that look like Leo and A giant rat with a robe shaking his head and then you spotted Leo.

The two turtles with a Red and Orange mask suddenly started coming towards you and Casey without looking where they were going.

"RAPHAEL, MICHELANGELO  STOP RATE NOW" the rat yelled and they stopped to look at him.

"(Y-y/n) how did you get here?" Leo asked once he saw you behind Casey.

"I brought her, I needed help with the pizzas sorry Splinter, but she is real nice and I know she won't tell anyone about you guys honest" Casey smiled.

They all looked at you Casey took the pizzas you had and went to the kitchen, you watched him leave and whimpered, you didn't know anyone here expect Leo.

You back away when the three other turtles made there way to you and you bumped into Leo who was now behind you.

"It's ok (y/n) they won't hurt you" Leo smiled softly at you.

You looked up at him then at the others you really wanted to go home so you made a mad dash out of their home.


They all looked to the entrance of the lair to see two girls walk in talking, April came in dragging you back in.

"Seriously (y/n) they won't hurt you I swear, they're real nice when you get to know them" she smiled.

You saw them looking and you just sighed plopping onto the floor and looking at them.

"(y/n) these are my brothers that's Raphael there that one jumping around is Michelangelo and he is Donatello and for short Raph, Donnie and Mikey" Leo smiled.

You only nodded shaking their hands and you sat close to April and Casey eating pizza listening to them talk.

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