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Karen walked into the office.  Her head was aching.  She was glad that she had arrived before Matt and Foggy.  She hadn't slept much and what sleep she did get was drink related.  She kept seeing Foggy's face in her dreams.  The image would change and she would see Matt's face and she would suddenly feel guilty forcing herself to wake up.  She felt sick but she wasn't sure was that because she was hung over or if it was nerves facing the two guys.  She didn't want things to be awkward between Foggy and herself.  She knew she owed him an apology for running out like she did but she couldn't have stayed there either.  She hadn't noticed she was pacing until she heard a voice behind her

"You'll wear that spot down on the floor, if you keep walking up and down" Matt said, as he closed the office door behind him

"Shit!  Matt" she jumped slightly

"Sorry.  I didn't mean to startle you"

"I didn't hear you coming in" she forced a smile.  "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thanks.  I haven't slept that much in a long time.  Hey, sorry again for snapping at you yesterday" he played with his tie in a nervous manner.  "Lack of sleep obviously makes me grumpy" he grinned

"Oh, totally forgotten about it" she replied waving her hand in the air.  "Fancy a coffee?"

"Sure, thanks. Have you one without the cinnamon?  I'm with Foggy on the whole no cinnamon. Sorry I'm just not a fan, just plain black for me"

Karen pulled a suit yourself face that obviously Matt didn't pick up on.  He walked into his office and put his laptop bag down on the desk, removing his jacket he shivered slightly.  He made a mental note to discuss the heating with Foggy.

"Was it a late night last night?  Did I miss anything exciting?" he said a bit louder to make sure Karen could hear him in the other room

Karen stopped pouring the coffee and said "Um! no we just talked, finished off your lovely wine and well you know Foggy" she paused.  She couldn't think of something else to say to finish her sentence.  Matt felt the awkward silence suddenly fill the air so he tried to fill the gap.

"He brought out his Irish whiskey didn't he.  The good stuff as he likes to calls it.  He's been keeping that for a special occasion"

"No worse" Karen faked a laugh trying to sound as normal as she could.  "He brought out the Tequila"

"Tequila.  Shit.  The heavy stuff on a Sunday night.  I'm glad I went home before that appeared. That explains why you are quiet this morning, I was beginning to get worried.  Is your head okay?

"Could be a hundred times better" she said finally placing the coffee on his desk.  He was beginning to think she had forgotten all about it and he would have to go make his own.

"Thanks.  What time is it Karen?"

"It's 8:30, why?"

"Odd, I thought Foggy would be here by now.  I'll give him another half hour and then I'll call him.  If the tequila was out last night chances are he's got his head over the toilet bowl.  Tequila and Mr. Nelson are not friends.  I've got some reading to do, give me a shout if you need anything.  Oh and Karen maybe peppermint or ginger tea might help your stomach and two aspirin for your head" he said closing his office door.

Karen swore to herself and placed her head on the cold desk, repeating to herself how she would never drink again.


She must have accidentally fallen asleep because she never heard Matt come back out.  He now was standing over her and whispering into her ear

"Wakey, wakey, Karen"

There's no Nelson and Murdock,  without Nelson <Daredevil>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat