I let out a loud laugh and tried to calm myself down, "I would but Niall would probably kill me." I smiled, "But let's get back to why I called you, I wanted to ask if you and the guys could come down and yeah know, help us figure this whole situation out?"

"Yeah, we would be glad too, I'll call up Liam and then Zayn."

"Sounds good."

"Alright, I have to go though; my friend Eleanor is bugging me to bring her to star bucks! Bye Haz."

"Bye Lou." I replied and placed my phone in my jeans pocket.

Breanna's p.o.v;

"When is she moving here?" I asked Liv, we were sitting in my room talking for about an hour; I had taken a shower and then got changed into my pajamas.

"In like a month, she told me that I could stay here until then and your mother agreed." She smiled and then giggled, "This is going to be so much fun."

Yeah, little did she know what has been happening... "Yeah, it will." I gave her a weak smile and laid back down on my bed, "I'm knackered so I'm going to get some rest."

"Yeah, so am I." She yawned, "Night Fudge."

"Night Liv." 

"It's time to get up! In the morning! In the morninggggg!" Someone sang in my ear, I slowly plead my eyes open and noticed Niall standing beside my bed with a tray full of food on it.

I smiled and sat up, "How did you get in the house?" 

"Your mom let me in, I made you breakfast." He blushed and past me the tray, I pushed over so he could sit down beside me.

"Thank you." I smiled and shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth, "Here have some."

"No it's okay, I made this for you."

"No I insist Ni."

"I'm not that hungry." Cue his stomach growling, "Erm, Guess that's a yes." He chuckled and grabbed a piece of toast. 

I laughed and stood up, "I'm going to get in the shower."

"Okay, I'll finish the food." He chuckled and ate more.

I walked into the bath room and started the water, I grabbed my razor and face wash, I slipped my clothes off and put them in the laundry basket; I got into the shower and washed my hair. I then shaved my legs finishing off with washing my body, I washed my face and got out, I wrapped a blue fuzzy towel around my body and realized I hadn't brought clothes in with me.

I opened the door and smiled at Niall watching t.v, "I-I forgot my clothes..."

"It's okay." He chuckled and continued to watch sponge bob.

I walked towards my dresser and pulled out a pair of red shorts and a white muscle top that had a rib cage on it, I walked back into the bath room closing the door behind me, I dropped the towel on the ground and quickly dried myself off with it, I slipped on my clothes and then turned the light off.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked him

"Don't really know, but we could go out to the beach or something."

"Okay, that sounds alright." I smiled and sat down beside him, "Where did Liv go?"

"She went with Harry."

"Oh, okay." I shrugged my shoulders and snuggled into my pillow.

"Want to go now? I'm borrowing my mom's car since yeah know." 

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