Chapter 12

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A/N Well my lovelies, we are now going to go back to our good ol’ friends Lelah and Liam.  Umm the next chapter’s going to be filled with a ton of different POV’s. 30 votes and I’ll add a Louis POV AND a Liam POV. Also, if you like my story and think that your friends might also like it, tell them about it. I’m going to be away and won’t be back till Friday of next week so. So DON”T EXPECT an update on Tuesday because I will not have wifi. Same goes for Killing the Refugees and Dancing Back. Although I haven’t updated those because I’ve been too busy with this one. Well if you have any suggestions of things that you’ll think will improve the book just message me, or leave a comment ;) Also if you’re confused or have any questions just ask, I’m more than happy to clear it up. Vote Comment Follow Fan Do whatever~Mik

Oh! I have a song that goes with this chapter! Look at me getting songs for chapters I’m so proud of myself. It’s called ‘Fatal Flaw’ by South Jordan. It’s really perfect.

OH! I HAVE A SONG THAT GOES WITH THIS CHAPTER! LOOK AT ME GETTING SONGS FOR CHAPTERS I’M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. IT’S CALLED ‘Fatal Flaw’ by South Jordan. It’s really perfect. Now if I can just figure out how to attach it as a vid.


*Lelah’s POV*

I just sit there in shock. It couldn’t be a dream. I mean it there’s no way….

I’m torn away from my thoughts as Liam walks back in to the room. I scoot over on the couch so that Liam can sit with me. He sits down beside me and hands me a mug. I take a small sip, letting it calm me as much as it can.

“Are you ok? You look pretty shook up.” He says looking at me with worry.

“I’m fine.” I say under my breath and take another sip.

“You’re lying. You really need to start telling me the truth.” He says, his face is etched with worry.

“Li, last time I checked you weren’t my mother.” I say with venom. It kind of came out meaner than I expected it to, but oh well. I look away from him, but when I come to face him, guilt comes flooding into my body. His eyes are wide in shock, and his mouth is slightly open.

“Fine I’m sorry, that came off meaner than I expected it to, just stop looking at me like we’re in the Hunger Games and I’m going to kill you.” I say guiltily.

“No it’s not that. You just called me Li.” He says still in total shock.

Oh no.

“Oh my God. LIAM PAYNE THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM YOUR FRIEND!” I yell at him, in a joking way.

He holds back a grin before saying “Of course not that would be completely absurd!” He says in a ridiculous pretentious voice.

We both burst out laughing. I stop my laughing once I come too the realization that I am growing to close to him. I can’t get any closer to him. We can only ever be barely friends unless I want to hurt him in the long run.

Up until this point my mind has been preoccupied, I feel a pain come from my foot. I look down and there is a white bandage wrapped around my foot.

“You’ll be okay. You have a ton of stitches though, so be careful.” He says sounding all parental like.

I take another gulp of tea, when my stomach begins to growl.

“Do you want me to go get you something to eat?” He asks.

“Nah, I got it.” I say before standing up and hopping over to the kitchen. I look at the counter top to see an opened can of Campbell’s soup, and something cooking in a pot on the stove.

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