Chapter six

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"Action" The cameraman says.

"Hello guys my name is Chelsea Briggs and today we have the lovely ladies of Fifth Harmony and Midnight Souls joining us."

Normani, Lauren, Camila, and I had the mic's. "Thank you for having us." We all say.

"So how excited are you all for the Reflection Tour?" She says while looking at the girls of Fifth Harmony.

"We are very excited that we get to spend this tour with the lovely ladies of Midnight Soul." Normani says looking at us.

"Aw thank you Mani, for giving us the opportunity to join you for tour. We are glad that our first ever tour was with you lovely girls." Emily says to her girlfriend.

"Okay so I would like to do some Q&A with you all." Chelsea says to us. "So the first question is from @y/nisbae," Everyone was looking at me causing me to let out a giggle. "She said 'What is the last text message you got or sent and who was it?' Ugh let's start from Ally going down the row." She says.

We all took out our phones and go to our message app. I see that Lauren had a worried look on her face. 'I wonder who texted her last' I thought. "Okay, so the last person I texted was Troy telling him to buy me another bottle of sex pills because I ran out." Ally says while a blush forms from her cheeks from embarrassment.

"And people say Ally was holy." Emma mumble causing Emily and me to chuckle. Everyone just stares at her and it was dead silence.

"Okay..." Ally says breaking the awkward silence. "Mani it's your turn." She hands the mic to Normani and she happily takes it.

"Hey guys it's Normani, the last text I sent was for um..." Normani had a nervous look on her face and she looks at Emily. Uh wonder what the text is. Emily didn't know what was going on until she checked her conversation with Normani. She also had a worried look on her face. "So the text was for Emily saying... um... my vagina's itchy." Her face turns red and she buries her face with her hands looking down.

"What did Emily say?" Camila questioned Normani.

We all look at Emily who had also done the same thing Normani did. When they didn't answer Dinah took Normani's phone causing Mani to try and reach for it. "Okay so Emily said 'Go to the bathroom, let me help you.' omg where's the holy water." Dinah says then gave Normani her phone back.

"Are you two a thing?" Chelsea asks looking at them both.

"Um no we were just playing around." Normani says quickly making Emily frown.

"Yeah." Emily says looking down.

"Dinah, it's your turn." Camila says.

"Okay so the last text I sent was... um..." She looks at me and I checked my conversation with Dinah. Oh shit. I look at her with wide eyes. she avoided my gaze. "So the last text I sent was 'I like you for a long time now. I just needed to get this off my shoulder. I hope things doesn't change between us two.' Yeah that's the text" She says looking down.

"Who was that for?" Lauren says looking at her.

"It was for a friend of mines, it was a dare." Dinah says trying to cover up the fact that it was not.

"Okay so the last text I sent was 'Yes' for this guy named Daniel" Lauren says avoiding my eyes.

"Just yes?" Chelsea says a bit confused.

"Yeah." She replied.

I know there was more to it. Next was Camila.

"The last text I sent was 'I love you too' for Emma." Camila says smiling at Emma.

"Aw so cute, you two would make a cute couple." She says to the two.

"We would, wouldn't we?" She says to us all. We all agreed.

"Okay so the last text I sent was for my mom saying I miss you too." Emily says. Causing us all to awe.

"The last text I sent was I have Nutella on my nipples waiting for you and that text was for Lauren." I say looking at her causing us all to giggle.

"And finally the last text I sent was You should read the book CC7 on Wattpad and that was for my best friend Maya who is one of our 18 year old best friend back home ." Emma says causing Lauren and Camila to glare at her while I give her a high five. Us three are huge Camren fans.

"Okay, Last question for you all." Chelsea says. "Who is taken?" I look at Lauren to see if she will say taken.

"Taken to the one and only Troy." Ally says smiling.

"Taken to someone special." Normani says looking at Emily.

"Single but someone's on my mind." Dinah says looking at me. Everyone had a wondering look on their face.

It was Lauren's turn and she looked nervous. "Single but I have a crush on this guy I met from Waffle House." Lauren says causing all eyes on her. I just look at her with no emotion whatsoever. She looks at Chelsea smiling ignoring our stares.

"Happily taken." Camila says looking at Emma.

"Taken as a bacon." Emily says looking at Normani.

"Taken." I mumbled looking at my lap.

"Take to the most beautiful girl." Emma says looking at Camila.

"Wow only Lauren and Dinah is single but has a crush on someone, am I right."

"Yup." We all say.

"Okay thank you lovely ladies for letting me interview you all. It is the end and hopefully you enjoyed this video. Please subscribe and purchase Fifth Harmony's and Midnight Soul's album. Bye." Chelsey says followed by us saying goodbye.

"That's a wrap." The cameraman says and ends the video.

"Bye girls hope to see you soon." Chelsea says to us.

We headed out the building heading into our tour bus. Ally was putting the pass code into the bus. "Lauren!" We hear a familiar voice say. We turn around and saw that it was Brad. You have got to be kidding me.

"Brad, what are you doing here?" Lauren questions him.

"I just wanted to visit my favorite girl." He reaches his back pocket and hands her a rose. "Here I got this for you."

"Awe thank you brad." She says then kisses his cheek and brings him in for a hug.

We all go in the bus to get ready for bed. "Lauren, you coming." Ally says from the bus.

"Year just one sec." Lauren replies. "I'm sorry Brad but I have to go, i'll text you later okay?"

"Yeah, Bye Lauren." Brad brings Lauren for one last hug before she came in the bus.

When she came in she had a huge smile across her face while smelling the rose he gave her. She heads straight to her bunk to go to sleep without even saying a goodnight to the girls. Wow goodnight to you too Lauren.

"Goodnight girls, sweet dreams." I say to the girls and head to my bunk. I was laying down on my bunk on my back thinking about what just happened during the interview.

Dinah texted me saying she had feelings for me, Lauren saying she likes small dick Daniel, and a girl I met named Bethany. Oh yeah she gave me a piece of paper. I went to my bag to look for the paper because that was where I last put it and it was not there. I looked all over the bus but i can't seem to find it, oh well I'll just look for it tomorrow. I swear she looked familiar and when I touched her it gave me goosebumps I thought.

I'll just figure everything out tomorrow, it was a very long day. And with that I fell asleep.

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