Chapter Eleven- Literally About To Knock On The Fucking Door

Start from the beginning

"How much?"

"$100" he says and I pause for a second. Personally I was thinking less than that but whatever. I know I don't want to see Amy right now but I know I'm gonna have to face her at some point. I'm not even that mad at her to be honest I just don't really understand how I'm meant to act around her or anything.

"Fine, when?" He smiles and his shoulders slump at my answer.

"In about an hour or so?" He says and I nod.

"Alright I want to the money now" I say and hold my hand out in front of me as I eat more pizza. He rolls his eyes before digging into his pocket.

"Fine just don't tell Jade about this" he warns and I frown.

"What? Why not?"

"Well it doesn't look that good if I'm paying you to get her bestfriend out of the house does it?" He rolls his eyes and I nod. It really doesn't.

"Alright" he sighs of relief and I nod.

"Thanks man, I honestly thought you wouldn't do it- just a heads up my sisters been in a bit of mess lately, I don't know if you've spoken to her but she's just in a bad mood all the time" he says as he picks a glass out of the cupboard.

"Oh no I haven't seen her, she hasn't turned up to any classes all week-"

"What? She said she went to class today?" He cuts me off slamming the glass down on the table. I look at him with pizza in my mouth and I shake my head.

"No she wasn't there"

"Have you spoke to her at all? She seems to talk to everybody but me" he sighs shaking his head.

"No" This is probably the point where I should tell him about our fall out but I decide against it seen as I've got the money now.

"I'll talk to her later about it or something" he rolls his eyes and I nod.

"Have you seen my phone?" I ask I don't feel it in my back pocket.

"Here" Klaus slides my phone across the island after finding it on the sideboard. I thank him before going through a new text.

From Gemma- Guess who's in the US?

To Gemma- You?

From Gemma- Are you free now?

To Gemma- For about an hour yeah

From Gemma- Okay I've got some of Mum's muffins, I'll be about 15 minutes

To Gemma- Alright

"Gem's coming over in a bit" I say just as Niall enters the room punching Klaus as he leaves.

"Yes!" He cheers and I roll my eyes. Niall constantly makes jokes about Gemma is 'fit' or some other shit whenever she's brought up. I swear he has a little crush on her or something.

"Niall she's fucking married"

"So? She's fit" he shrugs and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up"

"What did Klaus want?" He asks as he leans on the island in front of me.

"Nothing, just about his date tonight" I shrug and he laughs lightly.

"He's moving fast with this whole dating thing ain't he?"

"It's Klaus how fast can he go?" I laugh.

"True" he shakes his head.
"Fancy going to Danny's party with me tonight?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Uh no- wait yeah alright what time?" Well there's probably nothing worse than having to see Amy right now. I know I said I would do it for Klaus but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. Maybe I won't have to talk to her if I take her to a party? That's what I'm gonna tell myself anyway.

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