Chapter 9

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** A/N: Okay, I'M SOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! D: My hiatus was totally unintentional. I've been juggling a few new (and some old) stories around, and guhhhhh I'm sorry D: I hope it never ever EVER happens again! If it does, I hope I can give you warning/and or a reason why. Not just because I couldn't get my ass into gear and write something XD Anyway, here's Chapter 9! :D Only ONE OR TWO MORE LEFT!!! O: I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading! :3 <3

~Holly **

When I woke up, my room was darker, and I wasn’t lying on Dean. I looked out of the window to see the sun going down, which meant it was around dinner time. I wondered why I was so exhausted, and I rolled over to go back to sleep. I heard voices a few moments later, which made it impossible for me to sleep, but not for me to listen. My eyes were still closed, and I was waiting for sleep to take me, but I concentrated on what the voices were saying in the meantime, too disoriented to react or decipher my emotions. I recognized Dante and Dean’s voices immediately, and by their tones, I knew they were arguing. The had to have been in Dante’s room, because their voices were coming through the walls from the left. “Dante, she’s going to get hurt. You can’t let her. She won’t listen to me; I don’t think she believes I can fight like you and her. Besides, I’m always the rational one. But I think if she hears it from you, if you tell her how much you really don’t want her to do this, that she just might listen.” Dante sighed, and I heard his boots click quietly as he paced. “Look, I honestly don’t want her doing this either, but I know her-No amount of begging or convincing is going to stop her. Do you really think she’s gonna’ just sit back and watch from the sidelines?!” “You should’ve never made her remember. She’s right; all you do is hurt her,” Dean growled, and I could imagine the deep furrow across his forehead. Dante’s voice was much deeper, and more menacing than I had ever heard, and now that I remembered both of my lives, that really said something. “She didn’t mean that, asshole. And you’re the one who causes her more pain. Did you see the way she was crying today??! She’s was sobbing and snotting all over the place!!” Gee, thanks Dante… “Me?!?!?! What about the time she was crying over your inconsiderate, selfish ass?!?!” I could just picture them standing mere centimeters from each other with their fists raised, their faces stained in anger and jealousy. Talk about sibling rivalry… I listened on, not feeling any emotions, for once. I was too tired, and their conversation wasn’t really registering in my brain right now. I wondered why I wasn’t getting up, but I continued listening from my bed, hoping I would do more than just lay here. “Guh, what does she see in you, anyway?!” Dante growled, his boots clicking once again as he walked to the other side of the room. “I ask myself the same thing about you,” Dean muttered, making Dante laugh darkly. “Don’t even put on that disguise, Dante. You don’t even know why she loves you,” Dean spat, and I frowned as I imagined the hurt in Dante’s eyes. I heard the stomp of Dante’s feet as he whirled to face Dean, who continued to torment him. “You don’t even like admitting your feelings for her!” “Well, she loves me, doesn’t she?!” Dante snapped, and I was surprised how nasty Dean could actually be. He was so sweet and charming around me… “I don’t have to worship her on my hands and knees like you do. Singing your sappy rock love songs to her doesn’t mean you care about her more,” Dante continued, and I imagined a slight smirk on his face as he rolled his eyes. “I don’t have to worship her. It doesn’t bother me to say that I love Jace.” “It bothers the shit outta’ me,” Dante retorted, crossing his arms in my mind. Even though they were fighting and angry, their voices were relaxing me. I began to wonder if I was imagining this whole conversation…I mean, why were they talking to each other in the first place?? They clearly didn’t get along; they didn’t even introduce themselves as being related. I was too tired to focus on my train of thought, and their voices thankfully interrupted me. “You’re not taking her back to the Realm,” Dean said quietly, and I pictured his face creased with worry, his eyes full of pain and sadness. Dante laughed spitefully.  “I’ll take her back if that’s what she wants!” “I-I won’t let you.” “What, are you going to fight me again? It didn’t work out so well last time, for either of us.” He paused, laughing darkly as he continued. “Don’t be mad because she loves me more.” “She doesn’t,” Dean murmured calmly, and I loathed the thought of him telling Dante about our night together. “You don’t know that!!” Dante snarled, and I imagined him throwing his hands into the air, like he usually did when he was mad. “And neither do you,” Dean retorted, waiting a minute before continuing. “I love her too much for you to take her away…” His voice was breaking, and the heartache was starting to come through. “Look, she doesn’t want to be with you! I thought it was obvious this morning…” “Shut your mouth, Dante! That’s not why she didn’t take the deal with me. I don’t have to explain myself to you; Jace has already proven her love to me…” Fuck! Dean, shut up!!!! “What the fuck does that mean?!?! I swear Dean, if you so much as touched her-” “-I’ll let her tell you when she’s ready; I’m not going to embarrass her like that. You can ask her when she gets up, if you want, but she’ll probably bash your face in. Which I’d love to see, by the way…” “Oohhh, I can’t wait for the day when she sends your ass to the ground!” Dante challenged, and I was thankful Dean had distracted him with something other than our sex life. I didn’t remember anything after that, and I fell asleep within moments…

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