Chapter 8

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** A/N: Hi there :3 You guys liking the story? It would mean SOOO much to me if you commented and voted! :3 I will love you forever <333 And the picture is sort of what Winter Palace looks like :B

~Holly  **

      I had no idea how long I had been sleeping, but I knew I wasn’t finished. I guess I used more magic than my body could take, and whatever magic Kaylix had used sure kicked my ass. When would I  learn how to paralyze people?! I pushed the thought aside, groaning in pain as I rolled on my side. I felt Naios laying beside me, and I curled myself around him. “Morning, Princess.” “Uh…don’t call me that,” I muttered aloud, too tired to speak with him silently. I could see him smiling, his amber eyes holding a mischievous gleam within them. “Yes, Princess. Jace needs more rest. Go back to sleep.” “How long have I been out?” He shook his head, pressing his nose against my face gently. ”It matters not. Jace needs more rest to heal. The magic that penetrated Jace was very strong. Jace’s body is not used to it.” “Oohh, I’ll kill that asshole,” I growled, barely able to lift my arm. “Sleep more, Princess. Naios will still be here.” “Thanks. Naios? I…I’m starting to remember. I used to call you Osi…didn’t I?” He panted a large smile, dipping his head once. “Yes! Jace could not pronoun Naios’ full name. Naios thought it was cute.”  I laughed, managing to drape my arm over him. “And Dante…I remember knowing him as a kid. Ever since we were toddlers.” “Yes. Dante and Jace have always been friends. Dante and Jace have always loved each other.”  I looked him over, and he layed his head beside mine on my pillow, our noses touching. “Do you like being with me, Naios? Do you wish you were human again?” ”Naios remembers nothing from his human life. And Naios loves Jace.”  “I remember how difficult I used to be. My parents were always grounding me…” I laughed fondly, suddenly tearing up. Naios pressed his head against mine, and I hugged him tightly to me as if he were a giant teddy bear. “Naios will always love Jace. Naios will always be there for Jace.”  “That’s more than I deserve, buddy. But thank you. Your undying allegiance means more to me than you’ll ever know.” We both smiled, but I couldn’t help thinking about my parents. My real ones. My parents here in the human world were awful to me, and it hurt to think about my brother. I didn’t realize I was gritting my teeth until Naios whimpered, and I thought about Libelius and Ayanna again…mom and dad. “Naios? Do…Do they love me? My parents?” Naios’ eyes widened, and he jerked his head back in surprise. “King Libelius and Queen Ayanna adore Jace! Were heartbroken when Princess was taken! King fired half of the council members, and sentenced them into exile. Does…Does Jace not remember mother and father’s love?”  I twisted my mouth to the side with a shrug, Naios laying his head back on my pillow. “I remember them. I remember what they look like, and they’re smiling faces, how kind they were and what great leaders they were. But I…I can’t recall memories, yet. I just…remember things. Like what the castle looked like, and my room. I remember how fussy I could’ve been, and I remember my mom grounding me a lot, but that’s all. I don’t remember Christmas’, or my birthdays…” “Memories will come back to Jace. It just takes time. Rest some more…Jace will be surprised how quickly things will come back.” “You really think so?” I asked, snuggling closer to him. Naios nodded and grunted, wrapping his head around mine, his eyes watching the door. “Naios knows so. Princess must sleep, now. Princess must heal,” he murmured, my eyes closing much faster than I had anticipated. I clutched his fur tightly within my fingers, praying that he was right. I wanted to remember everything so bad. So bad, I could feel the knots develop in my stomach. I yearned for my memories more than anything else, and if I couldn’t have them, I wasn’t sure I wanted to live. Without knowing who I really am, I was no one, and not having an identity was no way to go through life. I thought a lot about Dante and Dean before I went to sleep, memories from the Realm coming back to me in stride.

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