Chapter 11

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Lauren's POV

"Someone call the police."

"Someone call Dr. Knight."


"Hey, someone block the door with the couch!"

"Come help me!"

What the heck is going on? I groaned in annoyance and slowly opened my eyes to see what was going on. I saw all of my sisters staring intensely at the door. They all had a look on their faces that was practically indescribable. I coughed and that caught all of their attentions. They all turned around and looked at me.

"What's going on?" I asked them, curiously, my voice filled with concern. Lisa sat down on the edge of my bed and played with my hair.

"Ryan is right outside the door." she simply said, glaring intensely into my brown orbs. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I just couldn't believe it.

"R-Ryan's here?" I asked, the words blocked in my throat. How did he find us? Gosh, there are way too many questions that I wanna ask right now. Lisa nodded as an answer.

"He's here to kill me. I'm going to die, Lisa." I said as I kind of jumped into her arms and cried into her shoulder. All of the other girls glared worriedly at me while Lisa rubbed my back as an attempt to calm me down.

"He's not going to touch you, Lauren. We are here. We'll protect you." she replied back, whispering soothingly into my ear. All of a sudden, we heard loud bangs coming from the other side of the door. Ryan. The knocks scared the living crap out of me so I tightened my grip on Lisa. She kissed the top of my forehead, stroke my hair, and told me to calm down. Ryan kept knocking on the door. The bangs kept getting louder every single time. The banging and the knocking kept going on for like several more minutes, until it suddenly stopped. I lifted my head up to see what was happening and saw my siblings staring at the door.

"Girls, is he gone?" Dani asked nobody in particular. Christina glared at our younger sister before she turned around to face the door. She started to move closer to it to see if he was still there by the crack when suddenly, the door opened, hitting Christina in the face. She fell back and held on to her nose. Katherine ran to her and helped her up. I looked at my oldest sister and noticed that her nose was bleeding. I then put my eyes back on the door, or actually where the door used to be, and saw the guy that has been hurting me for so long. Ryan Beatty. He broke the door, oh my God.

"Hello, girls. Missed me?" Ryan said as he walked in with the most devilish and revengeful smirk on his face. Nobody answered him. We all just looked at him and trying to stand strong. I saw him roll his eyes and laughed a little. He muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like "wimp". He then put his eyes on me and let out the darkest chuckle that I have ever heard in my life.

"Oh Lauren.... last time I saw you, you were laying in a hospital bed. What happened this time?" Ryan questioned me as he walked and came closer to me. I tensed up and Lisa, being the protective big sister that she is, squeezed my hand and stood up.

"You better get away from Lauren, Ryan." Lisa told my ex-boyfriend as she walked right up in front of him, put her hands on his shoulders, and pushed him away. Ryan stumbled back a few steps, but he still had that creepy grin on lips. He still had his eyes on me.

"What's the matter, Lauren? You don't know how to speak, anymore?" Ryan asked me, teasing me. I clutched my fists and looked away. I heard him laugh out loud and I could see him pull something out of his back pocket. I then heard all of my sisters gasp. I turned my head and my heart just dropped. Ryan Beatty had a gun in his hands, and he was aiming my chest. My heart, to be more precise.

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