Chapter 5

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Christina's POV

So... I was taking a little nap on the plane since we were pretty much halfway there when someone weakly shook me. I opened my eyes and turned around and saw Lisa looking at me with a worried expression on her face.

"Lise? What's up?" I asked her as I was sitting up, deeply concerned. I then realized that I was sleeping with my head on Katherine's lap. Oh lolz.... awkward.

"You have to go see Lauren." Lisa answered back, her voice shaking and trembling. I knew it had something to do with Lauren... I nodded, got up, and quickly made my way to Lauren's and Lisa's seat, with my younger sister following me. When we got there, Lauren was crying hysterically, her face buried in her hands. I turned around to face Lisa and gave her a questioning look.

"What happened to her?" I asked Lisa, my voice really low so that only she can hear it.

"I don't know, she won't tell me." she answered back, keeping her eyes on our baby sister. For some reason, I felt like Lisa was hiding something from me. I had a feeling that she knows something about Lauren that nobody else do, not even Dani! I sighed and sat down next to Lolo Bean.

"Laurie... what's the matter? Why are you crying?" I sweetly asked her as I gently stroke her brown hair. As soon as she heard my voice, she jumped up and stared at me with those big, puffy red eyes. She looked down at her wrists and started to cry even more. I looked at them myself and gasped at what I was seeing.

"Lauren... are those scars?" I asked her, obviously in shock. My little birthday twin is harming herself? She looked at me and nodded. I could see in her eyes a lot of shame and sadness. My little baby was a broken soul... and I didn't know about it... I turned around and looked up at Lisa and noticed that she was in tears as well. I knew it. I knew that Lisa knew something about Lauren that we don't know. I then turned around to face my birthday twin and she was still bawling her eyes out.

"Oh, Lauren...." I said as I pulled her into a big and loving hug. She needs some love, and I'm going to make sure that she'll get all the love she needs. She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried in my arms.

"I'm sorry, Christina... If you're ashamed and disappointed in me, I completely understand. I'm just a failure..." Lauren quietly mumbled, after she has calmed down a little bit. Did she just say that? Does she really think that she's a failure? Okay, I am really shocked, right now.

"Lauren, don't say that. You are NOT a failure. I am really proud of you. You had the strength and the courage to defeat that disease that has been killing you ever since you were born, to survive and get over multiple heartbreaks, and to keep on performing and living your dream. When you were a really ill girl, you still performed in front of thousands of people and you had fun, like you forgot that you were sick. You kept on singing and dancing and ignored all of those nasty hate comments. Lauren, you are one of the bravest teenagers that I have ever met. I would never be ashamed of you. You're my sister and I'll love you forever." I told her, giving her a little kiss on the forehead after my little speech. Lauren then started to sob even more and she hugged me tightly.

"Lauren, can you please tell me why you cut yourself? I mean, if you're ready. If you don't want to, then it's fine." I questioned her, curiously. My little sister looked at me deeply into my eyes and sighed.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm always depressed and unhappy when it is supposed to be a good, fun, and amusing time. I don't know if it's because of those hateful comments or something, but it's really killing me inside. It might be because I am confused and my heart is confused too, but I don't know. So.... to make it all go away, I cut. I know it's wrong, but it really does relieve me from all the pain and the stress that I am going through. I am sorry. I promise that I'll try to stop." she explained to me as she played around with her fingers.

"Who else knows about this?" I asked her, still staring at those marks on her forearms.

"Lisa... and Dani...." Lauren replied back, not looking at me and her voice cracking in the middle of the sentence. What the heck? Dani knows about Lolo Bean cutting herself?

"Dani knows about you cutting? Since when?" Lisa interrogated her, shocked and surprised.

"Yes..... she does... She caught me cutting myself three days ago, so of course, I had to tell her the story or else she wouldn't leave me alone until I tell her what's going on." Lolo Bean said, looking out the window and ignoring our glares.

"And when are you going to tell Amy and Katherine? How about the boys? How about mom? How about Noah?" Lisa asked our younger sister.

"We do know now." we all heard two voices say behind our backs. All three of us turned around to see Amy, Katherine, and Dani giving Lauren a proud and reassuring smile.

"How long have you guys been behind us?" Lauren asked our sisters, raising one of her eyebrows at them.

"Well, when Lisa came to where Christina's and my seat were and when Chrissy got up to go and see you, I got up too and followed them. On the way there, Amy and Dani saw us and decided to tag along." Katherine told Lauren.

"So basically, we've been here in time to listen to the whole conversation." Amy added, a little grin on her cute little face.

"Yeah, so anyways, back to the real subject of the conversation! Lauren, when are you going to tell our brothers, mom, and our fans that you've been harming yourself for a while now?" I asked my little baby.

"Oh, and when are you gonna tell Noah about it?" Dani added, a smirk on her lips.

"Dani, first of all, Noah does not need to know about it. Second of all, I barely know him. Why would I ever want to tell a guy that I have just met that I cut my wrists." Lauren fired back at Dani, a little angrily. Sugar then crossed her arms and looked out the window.

"Dani, apologize. It wasn't funny." I ordered my youngest sister. Dan nodded and she put her hand on Lauren's shoulder.

"Sugar, I'm sorry for saying that. It was a bad joke and I really didn't mean to bother you like that. Are you mad at me?" Dani apologized sincerely to her older sister. The relationship and the bond that these two have is spectacular and adorable.

"I'm not mad, I just don't want you to say things like that again." Lauren told our youngest sister, the baby of the band.

"I'm really sorry." Dani said, looking down at her feet. Lauren turned around and noticed that Dani looked genuinely guilty and sorry.

"It's okay, Dani." Lauren told her, giving her a warm smile. Lolo then turned her head around to face me.

"And I'm thinking about telling the rest of the family really soon, when I'm ready." she said before letting out a long yawn.

"Laur, why don't you sleep for the rest of the flight? You look kinda under the weather." I suggested her. It's true! It looks like she is sick again! Lauren nodded, rested her head on the pillow on the end of the couches and closed her big brown orbs. By the way, the airplane seats on this private jets are basically huge and comfortable couches. I went back to my seat with Katherine while the others went back to theirs and once I got there, I sat down and closed my green eyes.

I wonder how awkward it will be for Lauren and Harry Styles when they'll see each other. I wonder how Noah will react to Lauren's and Harry's relationship, since it is pretty obvious that Noah likes Laurie. I wonder how our first day in London will be like...



Haha 2 comments or more if you want to know what happens next :)

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