"You wish Arwen and her mother were still around here instead of Lórien?" She asked. The servant froze and turned to face her.

"What makes you think that?" Almiel's started to speak then shut her mouth. The servant gave her a look, and she blushed and looked down.

"You… you had a strange look in your eye." She said. Then she looked up and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry." The servant felt warmth and her pain disappear as she looked into the eyes of a now smiling elfling.

"Well then, come and get dressed. I have a feeling your brother wants you to look the part of a princess."


Legolas smiled at his sister who had been dressed beautifully as he had once seen Elrond's daughter dress. "Your sister looks beautiful." Haldir said softly. Legolas nodded.

"Yes, she'll be a beautiful woman someday." If she lives that long.

"And a great Princess I'm sure. Everyone in Mirkwood already loves her, at least, that's what I heard the little time I was there." Legolas nodded again.

"Yes, her youth is a joyful presence to have around." Haldir did not speak again, but rather watched as the young Almiel turned to them dressed in silver. It accented her glow and made her hair seem effervescent. Her green eyes shined as she looked at them and the silver crown showed her status as a Princess. She grinned slightly embarrassed. Legolas smiled at her.

"Come our presence will be missed at the feast if we do not go." Almiel took her brother's hand while Haldir walked behind them. Her eyes sparkled as she looked to her brother who was dressed in his customary light blue and silver with a silver crown of his own to wear. His glow gave off a soft light and his blue eyes shimmered wherever he looked. She wondered if she would be as looked up to as her brother was.

They walked into the feasting room where Elrond was already seated. Erestor greeted them and motioned Legolas and Almiel to the seats across from Elrond and Haldir to a seat diagonal to Almiel next to two elves. It was curious, Almiel thought, that those particular elves looked completely identical. Then she heard Haldir's voice in her head. They are the sons of Elrond: Elrohir and Elladan. They are twins.

Thank you. She said and looked over at Haldir who winked. She smiled. He was wearing red robes making him look the equal of everyone else. She looked back at the twins who seemed the image of their father with grey silver eyes and ebony hair. They wore midnight blue that seemed to accent everything about them and give off the sense of royalty though they wore gold crowns instead of the silver that she and her brother did. She realized this must be because of their hair. She then realized that no one called Elrond "king" either like everyone called her own father.

You're right. Legolas said to her. We are technically the only Elven royalty left in Ennor. Elrond is the master of the house and everyone considers him a Lord. Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn both exude power. They are the rulers of their own realm in Lórien as well but they do not call themselves King and Queen. Ada is the only Elvenking left. It hardly matters though. All three of them might as well be Kings or Queens.

The twin across from her smiled. "I'm Elladan." He said. "What is your name young Princess?"

"Almiel." She said softly playing slightly with her fork as he spoke to her.

"You look much like your brother." He said, then with a twinkle in his eye he added, "although we'd best hope you don't end up like him." He said though Almiel could feel a sense of mischievousness coming from him.

"Don't mind him, he and his brother are the source of all mischief in Imladris, and probably also a pain to their father." Elrond smiled slightly as he overheard the conversation.

"And lately I've lost all control over them." He said. Both twins looked at him feigning hurt, but Almiel was not fooled. She would know if they were actually hurting.

"Ah, words hurt don't they young Almiel?" Elladan asked trying to get at least one other on their side. Legolas stayed quiet this time, but Haldir watched very carefully.

"Yes, but those words didn't hurt you." Elladan's eyes looked surprised.

"How do you know? My father and fellow elf conspire against me and I don't find it hurtful." Almiel cocked her head.

"No," she said. Elrohir leaned closer.

"Well what about me? Did the words hurt me?" Legolas felt a growing apprehension in his gut.

Almiel… he warned.

"No, it seems as if you have heard those words, or similar ones, before." Elrond's eyes caught Legolas'.

You really must inform me more of her. Legolas looked down. Elladan and Elrohir were exchanging a look that was not good for anybody.

They leaned forward toward Almiel. "Then what would hurt us young princess?" Legolas put a hand on his sister.

"I don't think you want to ask her that question." Elladan raised an eyebrow at him.

"And why not? You haven't been telling her stories about us have you?" Legolas smirked.

"Of course not. No one needs to hear anything about the two of you. Especially not anything that involves your supposed pain."

"I'm offended that you think so unhighly of your superiors."

"Superiors? You forget that I'm the oldest of the young." Legolas said.

"Yes, and you are the youngest of the young." Elrohir said to Almiel.

"So you would certainly need some, ah, coming of age questioning." Elladan continued.

"She's forty. She doesn't come of age for a very long time." Legolas said.

"Either way she has yet to answer the question." Elrohir said turning back to the young girl who looked very confused.

"Careful my sons, someday you will bite something that bites back." Elrond said rather passively. Elladan sighed.

"You positively ruin all our fun."

"Just a warning Elladan."

"So?" Elrohir said to Almiel. Legolas felt the questioning thought process coming from her. Haldir was watching as he ate.

Try not to offend them. Legolas told her. She glanced at the twins who were awaiting her answer.

"You have pain but before you mentioned it, it was buried deep within you and nearly forgotten. When you brought it up it became more noticeable." She paused. "The thing you fear is not hopeless as you think." Both twins faces had mirror images of shock. Elrond gazed at the child.

Haldir felt guilt coming from Almiel as it seemed something else was bothering her. Elrond warned them. He told her. Legolas had to meet both twin's eyes as they moved to his.

"Did you tell her?" Legolas shook his head. "But, you must be lying, she could not know."

"I only knew because it was then rolling off you in waves once you brought it to the front of your mind." Almiel said, not really feeling hungry anymore. The twins looked to their father who was examining her with his eyes. Then he looked around finding that everyone else was already done eating and was awaiting his signal. He stood.

"It is time." He said and everyone moved slowly to the next room. The twins stopped their father.

"How could she have done that?" Elrond hushed them.

"Legolas is speaking with me tonight." He started to move off again. "But if I were you I wouldn't ask her about your pain again."

Ennor- Sindarin for Middle-Earth

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