Chapter 36

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Elrond sighed as he turned to face the Elvenking whose eyes were still fully raging. "My sons did mention something about a misunderstanding which made you punish them for a crime they never committed."

A muscle jumped in Thranduil's jaw and Elrond braced himself to keep from flinching. "I believe that have knowledge of a crime your son did commit. And why I was gracious enough to give your son his life."

"Which is?" Elrond asked. Thranduil's eyes flickered once.

"Your son almost killed my daughter." Thranduil started hissing. "Ever since your wife took ill, he has been sucking her energy like a leech ever hungry for blood. A week and a half ago now, he ripped open a new bond between them that took all but little of her life force. He then proceeded to force a kiss on her before Haldir found them. Haldir immediately took her away and brought her home unconscious. If not for his actions, she would have died in Elrohir's arms. In which case, you would no longer have a son named Elrohir." Thranduil ended, still hissing.

Elrond stared at Thranduil, half appalled and half hesitant. He started to reply when the door was thrown open. "Whatever the Prince is saying has no basis in truth!" Elrohir yelled. Tawarthion was quickly behind him, ready to interfere if the King did start to actually go for blood. Elrond noted the murderous look in Thranduil's eyes and deduced that both Elrohir and Thranduil believed whatever they had spoken to him. Elrohir suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as Thranduil turned, realizing it was not the Prince, but the king himself.

Elrohir's mouth opened and closed a few times before he shut it, paling slightly.

Thranduil's glistening eyes turned back to Elrond. I believe you know of my daughter's gift of giving off warmth and light. Your son has taken more than his fair share and would have been the death of my daughter. Not to mention approaching her without my consent- a terrible offense in itself.

"You almost killed her." Thranduil said, his voice now sharp as a diamond blade.

"My Lord, just because she collapsed while I was around does not mean it was my fault! Haldir was not even there when that happened." Elrohir stated.

"When did you notice her beginning to feel sick?" Elrond asked.

"It was her eyes…" Elrohir said. "They were dampened and I asked her what was wrong, but she never told me. Your Majesty it was long before I was even holding her."

"But you did touch her." Thranduil said, his eyes turning to pierce Elrohir. "You told her you loved her when you obviously had no right too."

"You cannot know that!" Elrohir pleaded. "I told her myself that she probably did not feel the same way. The only reason I told her was to explain why I wanted to return to Mirkwood with her. Do you not understand? I was coming back to ask your permission to court her." Thranduil raised one eyebrow.

"Is that your excuse to practically bed my daughter then and there?" Thranduil asked. Elrond looked to his son who stood there staring, not quite sure how he was supposed to respond. "Besides which you then afterword had the tenacity to come before me and ask to see her."

"I did not know what had happened! I did not remember any of it! I am still not sure it actually happened because you invaded my mind!"

"You invaded my son's mind?" Elrond asked, an edge now in his voice. Thranduil turned his gaze to Elrond.

"If discovering the truth is a crime, go ahead, reprimand me." Thranduil said. "But find the truth I did, and it was the kissing that blocked your mind. Or mayhap it was the addiction of my daughter's skin on yours, I cannot remember which it was exactly." Elrohir opened his mouth to reply when memories flashed through his mind. He had stayed rather close to Almiel, if only to feel the warmth that flooded his veins… he had thought it love. Still did.

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