It All Comes Back Eventually

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"I'll finally be able to get her out, to get her somewhere safe." he said, his voice hopeful and happy as he stared at his sleeping child.

I laid my hand on his shoulder and nodded smiling, "Done for the day Axel, take her home and get some rest. You have a big day tommorrow." I said to him quietly, he nodded.

Geno refused to let Emaline go until he absolutely had to, placing her sleeping form gingerly into the car seat in the back of my truck. I told Axel to take it home, that I'd go home with Evgeni. He nodded and drove off home. I smiled at the retreating figure of the vehicle.

"He's going to be spectacular," I said lightly in Russian, I could tell speaking English all day really wore on Geno.

Geno nodded, "He will be a great addition to the team. And to the league."

I nodded. Geno saw the same thing in Axel that I did. The symbol of what hockey really was, of everything pure and redeeming about the sport. Axel had it all and he was about to become a Penguin. I was so happy this went so well. I myself felt stronger from our training sessions. I trained along side Axel so that he wouldn't feel like he was the only one working and I lost quite a bit of weight at first and then the muscle started to pack on. My body was beggining to bulk up in muscle and you could clearly see the outline of my abs and muscles in my arms and legs, even without flexing. My colorbone was visible and I had less fat on my thighs, though I doubt because I had hockey legs that I would ever have an actual gap there.

I was happier. Everything here seemed to be getting better. I was happier and it was all thanks to Axel. I felt a special connection to him, and it felt just as strong if not more- as my connection to Geno. We had alot in common and I respected and admired Axel for his combination of fatherly-love-and-maturity to a childlike nature he carried happily. You could tell day by day that Emaline was his everything. She made him stronger as a person. I love them both very much.

When I went home I chatted with Geno for a while before I sent him off to bed. He seemed tired and it was late. I sat down on the couch, very tired indeed but my mind was restless and I knew I would never be able to sleep, even if I didn go to bed. So here I am, watching a Highlight of the Night Segment on tv.  It featured some good plays, hits, fights, and the drama hockey seems to unfold as of late. 

I sighed and changed the chanel. It flicked to a randam channel. The show was called Swamp People. I think this was Discovery Chanel. I shrugged and watched the Cajun madmen fight over who's gator was bigger and who was making who's dinner. It was somewhat entertaining until the commercials came on and I quickly became bored.

I was about to change the chanel when a commercial came on advertising a website that was called It explained how you can simply type in your name and it will give you a list and family tree of the ansestry and relatives as well as information on how to contact those people.  My interest was piqued to say the least. Maybe I could find out more about my mother and father. 

I picked up the phone and dialed a few numbers, listening patiently as the phone rang. It took about six rings before someone picked up.




"Yes Mama it's me, I'm so sorry I haven't been calling as often but I needed to help a friend of mine and I've been exhausted."

"That is alright my child! Quite alright! I'm just happy you called. How have you been? Find any boys you like over there?" she said excitedly.

I wrapped the phone cord around my finger, "I have made a few very good friends Mama. I am very happy here, but I was wondering if you could tell me something?"

He Took Me HomeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin