Chapter 2

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~The next day~ 

Kaname had tried another three times to get Zero to drink his blood but Zero always denied him. 'Selfish prick' Is what Kaname thought of him. If he were to offer his blood to someone that someone should be so happy they could kill themselves but Zero denies him like he is made of ash! 'How dare he.' Kaname thought to himself and then heard a knock at the door making Kaname look at it with a somewhat piercing stare, 

The door opened and Yuki popped her head in. Kaname had to force his angry stare into a gently look as he watched Yuki come closer and stand on the other side desk. "Hello Kaname have you gotten Zero to drink your blood yet?" Yuki asked and Kaname shook his head as a no. "No unfortunately." Kaname said making Yuki look down sadly. "He drank from me once maybe he will drink from me again." Yuki said. "Yuki thats not a good~" "Please Kaname we have to try! For Zero's sake!" Yuki said making Kaname sigh. 

"Then tomorrow you may come down with me to see Zero." Kaname said in defeat. "Thank you Kaname it means a lot to me." Yuki said and bowed before leaving. 

Kaname sighed unhappily and then got up and walked out of his room and headed for the disgusting place Zero was in for the fourth time today. 


Once Kaname was in the shadowy place he walked over to Zero and kneeled down in front of him. "Drink my blood NOW! If you don't drink my blood Yuki will come down here and let you feed off of her. Do you want that? To hurt her?" Kaname asked and watched as Zero shook his head rapidly. "Then drink from me." Kaname stated and watched as Zero shook his head again. 

"If I do....I'm letting the level E win." Zero huskily said. "Your losing if you don't drink from me." Kaname quickly replied and Zero looked away from him. Kaname grabbed Zero's face and tilted it upwards so that the hunter was looking at him. "You.Will.Drink.From.Me." Kaname said through clenched teeth and watched as Zero's fangs extended longer. Zero released a low rumble sound in his throat which seemed to make Kaname's spin tingle and the hairs on his arms stand upwards.  

Zero kept doing it making Kaname release Zero's face and back away a bit. Why was this rumbling sound Zero was making, make him feel strange? Kaname then stood up and left feeling a little bit excited for some reason. 'Well that wasn't suppose to happen.' Kaname thought to himself and then made his way back to the Moon dorms. 

Kaname sat at the desk in the library reading a book about Level E's. Kaname thought he knew everything about those Disgusting creatures but it turns out even they mate...until they kill their newborn by draining it's body dry. Kaname then scanned his crimson eyes over the page and then stopped when he seen something he was looking for. 

'Turners are known to be humans turning into Level E's after being bitten by a pureblood. The turner at a certain stage with go into heat and choose a mate to he/she's liking. After choosing their appropriate partner he/she will make a rumbling noise in their throat. This is called a mating call. For the other to accept they must place their side of their throat on the side of the partners throat and both make a rumbling noise in their throats at the same time. Turners will conceive no matter what gender and after birth, they will turn fully Level E and drink the baby's blood until their is no blood remaining. This can be changed, if the partner is a pureblood they can stop the turning process into turning fully Level E and make them a level D the vampire will simply give birth and wont drain the baby's blood.' 

Kaname's crimson eyes widen and he shut the book quickly and quickly stood up and put it back on the shelf where he had found it. 'Had Zero chosen me as a mate?' Kaname thought and made his way back to his room while in heavy thinking. 

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