Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys, this is my first story, so I hope you like it so far, I'm trying to get my chapters longer so please read, vote, and share!!! [:

Lily's POV:

"What the hell, what the hell what the hell." I muttered to myself pacing back and forth in my new room. I breathed frantically and fanned myself. What the hell? Why was I so dramatic? It wasn't my first time seeing a man walking around in his boxers. Well, it was my first time seeing a guy, a very attractive guy in fact...

I rolled my eyes at my idiocy and flopped down in my chair as the Witch called out to me, "Dinner kids!"

Groaning, I picked myself up and brushed my long auburn hair out of my face, slipping off my converse, and walked to the sound of her voice. Oh and yes, I had already nicknamed her. Perfect for her don't you think? I think so anyways.

I see a little figure peering around the corner at me, and I giggled kneeling down to his level.

"Hello little one, how're you this fine day?" I say in a silly British accent.

He giggles and shrugs holding his lion tightly to his side toddling away and I picked myself up following him. I see him walk into a huge dining room, and I gulped quietly. Great, he's got money to spend, I wonder what the Witch does. Probably spend it. Shrugging, I plopped myself down in a random spot, and scooped Aidan up as he squeals and sets him down beside me.

As the Witch comes into view I slink in my seat, aiming to irritate her and I chuckle to myself and she glances at me, sighing. Winking at her, I imagine flipping her off and situate myself pulling my legs up in my seat and setting my elbows on the table.

Sperm Donor waltzed in and sat down, holding his hands out on either side. What? Did he want me to shake it? Kiss it? So, I shook it, like the natural blonde I am. He looked at me strangely, and took Witch's hand and I took Aidan's and we said grace like the perfect little family we were.


I busied myself with my utensils and started scooping food in heaps onto my plate. Hey, I'm a growing girl, I need my nutrients. Mashed potatoes, doused in gravy, sweet corn, biscuits, and corned beef.

I'll give it to the witch, she can damn well cook. I dug in like an hungry animal, ignoring the looks I got from Sperm Donor and Witch. Winking, I leaned back and got up grabbing a soda from the fridge walked back popping it open and chugged it down plopping back down.

I let out a enormous belch and laughed hard, winking at them. I didn't bother with saying excuse me. I tickled Aidan and he laughed clapping and smiling. Shrugging, I picked my plate up and washed it off in the sink and laughed softly.

Of course, the Witch couldn't cook, I found that out whenever I saw the Chef putting away the food. Rolling my eyes, I walked back out to the dining room.

"Hey Sp-Dad?"

"Yes?" he replied shortly. "Can we head over to the nearest hardware store?" I replied.

"Why?"  "So I can get the buggin' fluorescent pink off the walls."

"Sure honey." he sighed giving a helpless look to the Witch as she glared openly at me. Winking at her I walked back to my room and started unpacking.

Oh yes, I was going to give them hell. And it was going to be such fun.

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