Chapter 9

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Lily's POV

Turns out, I just crashed into Sperm Donor. No biggie, other than the fat bruise I 'll probably have on my ass tomorrow. Ya know. Ignoring his hand to help me up I picked myself up and brushed myself off tossing my hair over my shoulder. Stepping out of his way, I said a fleeting sorry and booked it to my bedroom. On the way, I saw Witch upchucking her dinner and I wrinkled my nose. Eew. Does my Step-Hag really have to be bulimic or whatever it 's called? Ugh. Slamming my bedroom door I opted for some pop music and danced around my bedroom again, I dance a lot. Terribly, sure, but still. I plopped myself down on my stool straddling it and started to paint.

Brushing a stray hair out of my eyes I dove in and started swirling and blotting the paper. Biting my lip in determination I tapped my foot lightly to the beat of the music before I shut it off with a click of the automatic button. Humming softly, I stretched my sore limbs and stood up popping my arms behind my head nodding in triumph as I turned glancing at my hot pink alarm clock. 11 o clock man I wasted two hours on painting? Wicked! Sticking my bottom lip out I pouted. I wonder whet today is. I hope I don't have to go to school tomorrow. I highly dislike school. With all those little girl cliques and boy cliques that I know not even in my wildest dreams I'd be a part of. One that I wouldn't. want to be a part of anyways. I'm not cliche like that anyways. As Belle used to say, I'm a different kind of special. I'm limited edition bitch! Hm. I wonder if I can find a bathroom in this place. Grabbing some flannel pj shorts, a tank top, panties, and my toiletries bag as I skipped down the hall peeking in closed doors. I knew this was a bad idea as I saw a horrid sight that I'll never forget as long as I live. Sperm Donor and Witch getting it on. Letting out a small scream, I immediately ran out and slammed my door shut flinging my clothes to the other side of the room pacing my bedroom. Eew. Eew Eew Eew oh shit Eew! Groaning in frustration I held my head shuddering in revulsion trying everything in my power to get that image out of my mind. I was 16 for Pete's sake. I was too young to see Sperm Donor and Witch getting it on.

Pacing around I heard 3 loud knocks and I cringed internally. Eew. Opening my door I steeled myself for a confrontation about what I had just witnessed. Only then did I realize that Mr. Hotty had disappeared sometime earlier. Damn, I didn't even catch his name. That black hair and brown eyed gaze could capture any girl. Ugh. I'm supposed to be listening but all I'm doing is dreaming of Mr. Hotty kissing me senseless. Ugh. I'm too hormonal for my own good. Ha. Like Sperm Donor and Witch. Oh Eew. Can't I be normal and go to Hogwarts and become the brightest witch of my age?

ThemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora