Chapter 2

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"Yeah man, we totally need to hang out this weekend. Hey, isn't Eve throwing that smashing party this weekend?" drawled my best friend Taylor.

"Sure, that's all she's been talking about for the past two weeks man." I told him into the phone.

I really didn't want to go, but then again, I do have to please the peers. I pulled up to my house with my phone still in my ear snapping a response to Taylor then cutting him off.

"Hey man, I gotta go, I just pulled up to the 'rents place and you know how much they hate me walking in on my phone. I'll talk to you later." I hung up on him before I got a reply and leaned back in my car seat and sighed closing my eyes and leaned over shutting the convertible off. I rubbed my forehead and clambered out of my car taking in my surroundings.

I stretched and looked around sighing. I hate this place, I can't wait till I turn 18 and graduate and get the hell out of this place. I looked to my right and saw a small girl on the ground sprawled out on the sidewalk. I shrugged it off and mumbled to myself.

"Whatever." I strode inside and slipped my coat and shoes off setting my shoes in the hallway and my coat on the coat rack. I yelled out, "I'm home!" and walked to my bedroom.

I sighed appreciatively. Now this, this is where I could be truly myself. I gazed into the dark blue walls, filled with a black dresser, black desk, and an huge ass king sized bed nodding to myself. I flopped on the bed closing my eyes sighing happily. I strode over to my desk and decided to do some homework. I fiddled around with Microsoft Word hoping an idea would come to me for my Greek Mythology project. I shrugged and leaned back in my chair running my fingers through my short black hair.

I stood up and walked over to my walk in closet choosing some basketball shorts and a wife beater and started undressing, not bothering with the window. I knew nobody lived next door, nobody had lived in that room for ages.

I slid my shirt and slide my jeans off slowly tossing them in the hamper and was about to pull on the shorts when I heard a very girly scream from my window.

Frowning, I turned my body slightly tilting my head. What the hell? Oh shit! It was the girl from the sidewalk. Shit, then I realized I was just in my boxers. I slid on my bball shorts and winked at her before sliding my curtains in place chuckling at her dumbfounded expression. Well looks like I have a hot new neighbour.

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