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I hate Fridays.

That's a phrase you don't hear to often. While most love them, with it being the end of the week and all, most people aren't stuck serving drunk old men until 2 am on a Friday night then having to walk back home since their car broke down a week ago and still hasn't been fixed.

" Don't look so grumpy Mia, you've only got a few more tables left and then you can get out of here " Paige said reassuringly, nothing can bring that girl down, she's always smiling trying to see the best in people and situations, a trait which I admired while longing for at the same time. " Yes well these last few tables will be the death of me, especially now that Rodgers walked in, god I hate that man"  Daniel Rodger was undoubtedly one of the most obnoxious, perverted old man there is. He's in his early 50s, married with kids,  and still makes the effort to come here a couple of times a week just to stare me up and down while hoping I'll take his offer for cheap sex one of these days.

" what can I get you Rodger"

" how about yourself " was this guy serious? I just stared at him until he gave me a real answer trying really hard to not slap him. " ok then how about a cheeseburger and fries" I took down his order and left as fast as I could, I didn't want to have to spend one more minute than I had to near that man.

"you know sweet checks one of these days you're going to get tired of pushing me away and eventually give in, there's no denying it"

" Don't you have a wife to get home to before I consider pressing charges for harassment"  and with that he just left with a sly smirk still plastered on his face.

"Paige can you please close up for me today, it's already 2 and I have to walk home plus I have to wake up early tomorrow for my appointment with the financial aid office"

"yeah sure no problem, I can give you a ride home if you're willing to wait half an hour? or I can just drive you home now and then come back and close up?" god this girl was a saint, unfortunately I had some good in me which didn't allow me to take advantage of all her kind offers " no that's ok, i'll be fine walking, i'll just take a short cut and i'll be there in about 10 minutes, thanks for the offer though" she nodded with a smile pressed on her lips, and with that I left the cafe to start walking home.

As soon as I walked outside I was really considering going back in and taking her up on her offer of driving me home, it was mid December and I was freezing to say the least. I also contemplated on whether I should take that short cut or not, it was an alleyway and we all know how so many girls famously get raped while walking alone in the middle of the night through alleyways, I decided to risk it anyways since it was -100000 degrees and I was pretty sure I would be getting hypothermia if I didn't get get home soon.

Right as I approached the alleyway I saw 3 figures looking down at a terrified man " where's the money Rodgers, we've given you months and you still don't have it !" Rodgers? as in Daniel Rodgers? It did look a little like him, although it was dark and I couldn't see much. He had the same height and from what I could see he was wearing a big jacket, just like Daniel Rodgers. " I know ok, I know just give me a couple more weeks please, all I need is a few more weeks and I promise I'll give you the money" yep, defiantly Daniel Rodgers I could recognize that annoying voice anywhere, but my question was what the hell had he gotten himself into, these guys did not look like they were messing around and wasn't Rodgers just a banker?

"you said that last time and the time before and yet we still don't have the money, your time is up" said the man closest to Rodgers, interrupting my train of thought, wait, your time is up? oh my god! were they going to kill him? And just as I finished that thought one of the men pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at Rodger and pulled the trigger "holy shit" I said out loud accidentally, which caused all three men to snap their heads towards my direction.

"well look at that, someone seems to be spying" said the man who was closest to me as they were all approaching " well technically this is public property, so you know it's not really spying, plus an alleyway? really? where's your originality?"

" you think you're pretty smart,don't you?" said the same man "well you know I did graduate top of my class and now I maintain a 3.7 GPA when the requirement is only a 3.0 so you know" god what the hell is wrong with me?! why can't I ever keep my mouth shut! there's three big men, huge, at least 6'4" each, very muscular, who have a gun, towering over my 5'2" figure and yet i'm here talking back to them

"she's a feisty one, I think boss will like her"

"boss? really? what is this Scarface?" well i've already gotten myself into a shitload of trouble so really I cant see how anything that I say from this point forward could have that much more of an effect.

"I'm counting on you being so feisty when you meet him" and with that one of the man grabbed me and covered my mouth while dragging me to a car.

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