I was so lost in my thought that I didn't notice the blob of land ahead until Ace pointed it out. Almost instantly breaking me out of my thoughts.

I skillfully maneuvered the ship around jagged rock formations threatening to damage my ship.
When we came around a cliff I could finally see the docks up ahead.

There were ships of all sizes. From rowboats to merchant ships but none of them were as breathtaking as the Moon Dagger.

They were in all different colors where's my ship was in all black with silver trim.

Some of the ships had very interesting names painted in an elegant scroll on the sides. Such as the Black Coal Pit, or Hell on water.

When we docked a man came up and demanded three silver pieces to stay. Instead of putting up a fight like I normally do, I just complied. My crew seemed surprised but, soon dropped the matter.

I gave the two girls thirty gold pieces and fifteen drachmas each setting them off on their way. Then I went to hunt down Ace.

It took me about two minutes to find him. I left him in charge saying I needed a drink and if anything happened to my ship I would kill him in the most painful way possible. Then bring him back from the dead and skin him. He nodded with fear written clearly in his eyes and I was off.

I walked down the mostly empty street looking for The Pig & Inn then entered. I always loved this place because their alcohol was never cheep and run down with water. Not to mention they had the best beef stews and fluffy wheat bread around.

Taking a seat in the back corner I wait for Betty the old maid who owned the inn with her husband Bert.

The inn was busy and stuffy from all the bodies packed into the small space. Not to mention the big bond fire type thing in the middle of it all.

There was a fast upbeat brawly tone playing in the background. Whoever was playing it was dam good that's for sure.

The moment I stopped scanning the room (for a possible threat) Betty came up to the table.

She wore a white apron and her white hair was twisted into a bun with bits of flower almost everywhere.

"Hello, Betty I'll have my usual please" I smirked.

"Percy, how have you been? I haven't seen you here in forever. You have to come by more often" she sang.

After answering all her questions and more she scurried off, only to come back a few minutes later with a steaming bowl of beef stew that had carrots and potatoes making a delicious, mouth-watering aroma. In her other hand, she held a pint of beer with foam on top spilling over.

After a few more minutes of her fussing over me and saying that I need to eat more she left to go tend everyone else's needs.

The food tasted amazing like always. If the smell made me almost drool then the actual food did wonders.

Flavor burst in my mouth with each bite. The taste of salt mixed in nicely with the diced potatoes. The carrots were soft and had a sweeter taste to it making one of the best meals ever.

With the fluffy bread that was hidden in the bowl, I used it to mop up the leftover broth. With my last bite, I breathe out in heavenly bliss.

I soon start to work on my drink. It only takes about five minutes at most to finish the bitter liquid. It tastes good nonetheless and I could hold my lacquer pretty well.

When Betty came back I pay her three gold pieces much to her dismay. She never liked when I overpaid her but, I always won the argument in the end.

I walk down the many run down streets heading to the harbor. The night was warm and you could see every star in the sky. There was a cool breeze coming from the north making the walk to the ship even more enjoyable.

Once aboard I gave Ace permission to leave and do whatever he does for fun. He most likely will try to woo a woman (and fail miserably I might add).

I walk over to my cabin thinking of where we could raid next. Coming up empty I enter.

My cabin wasn't all that fancy. There was a desk near one wall with maps and other papers thrown carelessly upon it.

On the other side was a comfortable bed with white sheets and blankets. At the foot of the bed, there was a wooden trunk with weapons of all kind within.

On another wall next to a window was a wardrobe filled with clothes that I rarely ware.

On my bookshelf, I have all the books I could get my hands on and some mementos from when my mother was still alive.

I soon went to sleep thinking of my long lost mother and Reyna. Hoping they were alright and happy.

I wonder what my mother was thinking of me right now. I wonder if she would be mad that I was a pirate and that I kill people almost every day.

Third person POV

Reyna was walking through the town. Away from the ship and her only male friend. Well, she thought they were friends.

She also was walking away from her sister, but ahead of her was a new life and new friends.

Reyna new she would see the young pirate and her beloved sister again. She knew the road ahead would tough, but what isn't she's a demigod for crying out loud.

She continued on her way when something caught her eye. There on a wall of a tavern that smelled of piss and fish was a wanted poster for the Sea Wolf and a picture printed below.

The picture was of Percy, he was wearing his brown leather captain's hat and had a cloak of a wolf but slightly larger than a normal wolf. He had on a white tunic with blue trim and had the top three buttons undone exposing his tan, muscular chest. He also had large wolf claws on a leather thong around his neck. He looked handsome everything, but his cold sea green eyes that is.

Reyna couldn't believe that the Sea Wolf, the most dangerous pirate, that had taken so many likes by his sword Riptide was the handsome Percy Jackson. The caring Percy Jackson that was so good with children, but here was all the proof she needed. This wanted poster saying that if you capture him dead or alive you would be rewarded one thousand gold coins. That was enough to set a family of four for the rest of their lives without them having to even lift a finger.

One thing for sure though. Even if Percy was the Sea Wolf she was going to keep the promise she made During their last convention. She was going to keep in touch with him, and she was going to befriend the Sea Wolf.

But one thing she didn't know was that she would fall in love with the pirate and that in the future they would be side by side on a field of corps and shimmering golden dust.

(A/N) Thank you for reading this chapter. If you have any Ideas to continue the story please tell me. I hope you like it and all that jazz. See you next chapter. Bye! X)

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