Chapter 5

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Kaoru age 9. You might want to watch the video for a better understanding.

I stood in front of my opponent for the final round of the Jonin exams. My friends and Dad where in the audience watching with the other people in the stands.

I had been training with Gai, Kakashi, and Itachi on my weak spots for the past month. I had improved greatly in Taijutsu and Genjutsu, I was already excellent in Ninjutsu but I still improved it. I had also worked on my blood line limit, so I had a few new tricks up my sleeve.

My opponent was a male that was in his late teens, he had messy brown hair and light brown eyes. He was obviously taller than me, his weapon pouch was strapped on his right thigh and another on at the back of his hip. He also carried a katana strapped to his back. I could tell he was cocky, since he thought I was younger and smaller than him it would be an easy fight. He really shouldn't underestimate me.

The proctor for this round stepped in between us,"The first match is between Kouga Mukami and Kaoru Senri. I will only stop the fight if necessary. You cannot kill your opponent! Do you both understand?" We both nodded our heads. "Alright, let the first match begin!"

As soon as he said that he jumped somewhere to observe the fight. I shifted into a defensive position while Kouga just remained as he was. He gave me a cocky smirk before opening his mouth.

"I cant believe they paired me up with a child, I'm actually surprised you lasted this long. Oh well, it wont matter if your a child or not I can easily beat you. This match will be over in no time!" He said shrugging his shoulders.

He made a few handsigns and made five water clones appear, an invisible smirk made its way across my lips. With a flick of my wrist I made them blow up and made the water come to me. Kouga looked shocked before giving me an annoyed glare, I twirled the water around me once before shooting it toward him at lightning speed. He managed to just barely dodge it. He came at me, taking his katana off his back.

I met him half way with a kunai, the sound of clashing metal filled the arena for a few moments. He managed to knock my kunai out of my hand and slash me on my left shoulder. I winced slightly and jumped back to gain some space. I made three shadow clones to distract him while I healed my wound with the water that was in a container near my hip.

The water glowed a bright light blue color as it healed my wound. By the time I was finished Kouga had just killed the last clone, weaving rapid hand signs I sent a fire dragon his way. He put away his katana and sent a water dragon to cancel out my attack. When the two dragons hit each other a misty fog was created, taking the opportunity I replaced myself with a clone and hid under ground.

Kouga rushed straight to my clone swinging his sword with swift movements. The clone dodged the sword and started to slowly lead him to me. As soon as he was above me I grabbed a hold of his ankle and pulled him underground. This action caused him to drop his katana. He gave me a death glare and broke out of the ground, surprising me with how he got out so quickly. Taking my moment of shock to his advantage, he punched me in the face. That snapped me out of it just in time to block his low kick that would have knocked the wind out of me.

I grabbed his fist and twisted it behind his back and kicked the back of his knees. He gave out a yelp as he fell to the ground on his knees. All the sudden someone grabbed the back of my hoodie and threw to the other side the arena, I slammed into the wall creating a small crater.

The Kouga on the ground poofed away showing me that I had been fighting a clone. Kouga looked at me with a slight smirk on his face,"Your not to shabby, I underestimated you. I guess I'll stop holding back on you." My eyes widened slightly before they narrowed. That bastard! He's been holding back on me this whole time! He's basically telling me that he thought I was weak! Fine if he wants to that way then...

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