The Beginning of A new Era

Start from the beginning

Natsu's eyes widen. "B-but.." He stuttered. "Oh Natsu I'm Lucy from the future. This here is well you know Nori." Lucy replied, to a shocked Natsu.

"Why are you here?" He asked still shocked. "Well we came here to help with the dragon thing. But it seems everything turned out alright." She said as she looked at the night sky.

Natsu stared at the two. Then a thought crossed his mind. "Where you the ones who found Lucy, when she had fallen down the hill?" He asked.

Lucy looked down. "Yes. We couldn't show ourselves for a reason." She said. Natsu then looked down at Nori. He remembered Lucy crying in the bathroom, saying her name over and over again.

"Last night past you was crying. She kept saying Nori's name. Did something happen?" He asked. Lucy looked down. "Yes. She was crying because Zeref killed me." Nori said, walking towards Natsu.

His eyes showed hatred. "But, I'm alive now." She smiled. Nastu looked up at Lucy. "Can I borrow her tomorrow night? We're celebrating the GMG and Battle. An I want to make-" He was cut off. "You want to make past me happy. I understand. I'll help her get a nice dress, and then you pick her up just before the party." Lucy replied.

"Great! Thanks!" Natsu said, as he hugged both good bye. "Hey can you tell me when I propose to you?" He asked.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "No now go!" Lucy said. And Natsu ran off into the night.

Flashback ended

Everyone was in tears now. Happy tears. They were happy that they got to see the child was alright and that the future was saved.

"Well, lets stop the tears and Party!!!" Cana yelled holding to big bottles of beer. The room cheered as well. And that night the guilds became allies, and friends forever.

The next day

"Good bye Nori!" Everyone yelled, as the young girl took her mothers hand and they walked through the portal, back to their own time.

Everyone was in tears seeing a dear friend go, but knowing they'd see them soon once again. Present Lucy looked down at her tummy. She rubbed it happily. Soon, very soon my family will be complete, she thought.

She felt a muscular arm wrap around her waist, "Soon Lucy we'll have her." Natsu said, kissing her on the cheek. Lucy nodded.

"hey love birds!! It's time to go!!" Gray called to the happy couple. Natsu huffed, while Lucy giggled. They walked towards the carriage. Nastu turned green just looking at it. "You know what I'll walk." He said turning away.

"No your going to sit and ride it." Lucy said pulling her boyfriend towards the so called death trap. As they got closer they saw, Jellal and Erza kissing good-bye. And Gray's arm wrapped around Juvia waist.

Lucy smiled at her friends they had found their special someone. "So where's Wendy?" Lucy asked Gray, when she got to them with a crazy Natsu trying his hardest to run away.

"Oh she went with Romeo and his dad. they left early this morning they're meeting us there.'' Gray said.

"Okay well lets go I'm ready yo get home!!" Lucy cheered. And soon the group was off laughing and having a fun time.

In Magnolia

"Welcome back Fairy Tail!!!!" The town cheered as the guild walked through the town. "Congrats!! On winning the games!!" The crowd cheered.

"Thank you!!' Fairy tail yelled back excited to be praised.

"Fairy Tail, since you won the games we fixed up your guild!!" The mayor yelled, as he opened up the doors to the guild they once had seven years ago.

It was all shiny and new. It was just as beautiful as it was seven years ago. "Thank you!!!" Master Makorav yelled with glee.

"Ya Hooo!!!" Fairy Tail cheered.

They walked around their old home. "Man It looks better than it did so long ago." Lucy said in awe. "You got that right Lu-chan." Levy said looking around.

"Wow! They really did a great job cleaning it up!" Gray said looking around at how spotless it was.

"Hey Ice Princess stop drooling!" Natsu yelled.

Gray realized he was drooling. And over the guild? No he saw Juvia's butt and instantly got perverted thoughts. Oh Gray.

He wiped away his spirt, "What'd you say Flame Brain!?" Gray yelled back.

And then the usual fight between them started and everyone knew they were finally home. "Levy-chan lets go to the library!!" Lucy said.

"Great idea Lu-chan!!" Levy cheered and the girls ran to the guild library. The guild made it's way into it's old habits fast.

Just like before. The guild was whole once again.

A few day's later, Levy and Lucy in the library

"Hey Levy! Found anything good yet?" Lucy called to her best friend, while searching for a good book. "No not yet!! I'm trying to find one I haven't read yet!!" Levy called back.

"Okay!!" Lucy replied climbing up the latter looking for a interesting book. But, then her head began to hurt very badly. "uggg...." She groaned.

She felt like she was spinning. She stared down the latter till, she lost her grip. "Levy!!!" Lucy called as she hit the ground with a thud.

Levy came running in to see her friends sprawled out on the floor, eyes wide.


Book Two: Beneath the SurfaceWhere stories live. Discover now